Support for Quantum ESPRESSO in exatomic

import pandas as pd
import exa, exatomic
from exatomic import qe
from exatomic.base import resource, list_resources   # Helper to find example files available in exatomic
# list_resources shows all available example files; here are some QE related ones
[i for i in list_resources() if "qe" in i]
['qe.vel', 'qe.cel', 'qe.inp', 'qe.for', 'qe.evp', 'qe.eig', 'qe.pos']
inppath = resource("qe.inp")
pospath = resource("qe.pos")
velpath = resource("qe.vel")
forpath = resource("qe.for")
evppath = resource("qe.evp")
exa.Editor(velpath).head()    # We can use the Editor to view the actual file contents
     0:   86300 10.43755843
     1:      0.26582218192461E-03     0.34762151661751E-03    -0.37055692323044E-03
     2:     -0.28357409799207E-03    -0.84385574934985E-03     0.61301203789432E-03
     3:      0.43446778391328E-03    -0.13368379507875E-03     0.22638614726700E-04
     4:     -0.23558263497270E-03     0.11887988312728E-02     0.25475038796956E-03
     5:      0.28858553030712E-03    -0.44466330835073E-03     0.56058154685670E-04
     6:     -0.17782953131705E-03    -0.28382892061277E-04    -0.14986330474008E-03
     7:     -0.33509839767085E-03    -0.58101031888086E-03     0.98300831028985E-03
     8:     -0.45531989084626E-03     0.78072761126234E-04    -0.16013602508294E-03
     9:     -0.72505618884722E-03     0.53608322941604E-03     0.11241564898308E-02
exa.Editor(inppath)[34:38]  # Likewise for the input file...
# Note that the atom order of the pos, vel, etc files is the
# order of the ATOMIC_SPECIES block
 'H  2.01355d0   H.pbe-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF',
 'O  15.9994d0   O.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF',
 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)']
[ ]:
# This is one way to access the docs of a specific function
# in the Jupyter notebook or IPython terminal
# Here we get and order the symbol list
xyz = qe.parse_symbols_from_input(inppath)
xyz   # pandas DataFrame
symbol x y z
0 H 1.032386 6.784453 2.604526
1 H 1.803768 2.861700 5.597986
2 H 1.488886 1.586134 1.667751
3 H 1.304391 7.581787 6.658065
4 H 2.687215 5.624346 7.935414
5 H 3.611814 0.867768 6.808235
6 H 3.455902 3.536857 1.089975
7 H 3.677819 7.840515 2.902969
8 H 5.150307 4.829348 3.958955
9 H 5.359657 1.344457 3.427006
10 H 6.068226 3.004010 8.041704
11 H 6.089307 8.290729 6.112190
12 H 6.270537 6.295901 1.342648
13 H 7.779489 6.219615 6.898890
14 H 7.669570 2.655679 2.535040
15 H 8.631402 2.379311 7.750683
16 O 1.661344 3.288553 0.895464
17 O 2.252441 7.890762 1.787531
18 O 2.193323 6.051175 6.263781
19 O 3.121875 1.568882 5.210278
20 O 6.867725 7.678591 7.634948
21 O 6.482595 5.721000 3.118545
22 O 7.361162 3.199850 6.768000
23 O 6.554401 1.278874 2.030744
# Turns out the symbols are in the right order but if we needed to reorder them...
def mapper(sym):
    return {'H': 0, 'O': 1}[sym]

xyz['order'] = xyz['symbol'].map(mapper)
symbols = xyz.sort_values('order')['symbol'].tolist()    # symbols = xyz['symbol'].tolist()
pos = qe.parse_xyz(pospath, symbols)
vel = qe.parse_xyz(velpath, symbols)
vel.columns = ("vx", "vy", "vz", "frame", "symbol")
force = qe.parse_xyz(forpath, symbols)
force.columns = ("fx", "fy", "fz", "frame", "symbol")
x y z frame symbol
0 1.386029 10.148803 2.527119 86300 H
1 6.298432 0.408980 6.614086 86300 H
2 2.705972 4.812221 1.851418 86300 H
3 0.925476 7.572369 3.711328 86300 H
4 -0.712621 7.029148 6.158907 86300 H
vx vy vz frame symbol
0 0.000266 0.000348 -0.000371 86300 H
1 -0.000284 -0.000844 0.000613 86300 H
2 0.000434 -0.000134 0.000023 86300 H
3 -0.000236 0.001189 0.000255 86300 H
4 0.000289 -0.000445 0.000056 86300 H
fx fy fz frame symbol
0 -0.014144 -0.001770 -0.010127 86300 H
1 -0.003695 0.015956 -0.013014 86300 H
2 -0.003526 -0.001231 0.003031 86300 H
3 0.017270 -0.005110 -0.001918 86300 H
4 0.002262 0.006420 0.002992 86300 H
atom = pd.concat((pos, vel[["vx", "vy", "vz"]], force[["fx", "fy", "fz"]]), axis=1)
# Some extra steps to set the column names
evp = qe.parse_evp(evppath, symbols)
columns = evp.iloc[0, :].tolist()[1:] + ["None"]    # Add a dummy column
evp = evp.drop("#", axis=0)                         # Delete first row
evp.columns = columns
evp['atom_count'] = len(symbols)
evp = evp.dropna(how='all', axis=1)                 # Remove dummy column
time(ps) ekinc T_cell(K) Tion(K) etot enthal econs econt Volume Pressure(GPa) atom_count
86300 1.043756E+01 1.165034E-03 0.000000E+00 1.991763E+02 -139.02493778 -139.02493778 -139.00223062 -139.04934698 7.272825E+02 -0.00000 24
86310 1.043877E+01 1.177623E-03 0.000000E+00 1.951384E+02 -139.02452520 -139.02452520 -139.00227838 -139.00110075 7.272825E+02 -0.00000 24
86320 1.043998E+01 2.023734E-03 0.000000E+00 1.817591E+02 -139.02385374 -139.02385374 -139.00313223 -139.00110849 7.272825E+02 -0.00000 24
86330 1.044119E+01 1.223379E-03 0.000000E+00 1.886373E+02 -139.02383875 -139.02383875 -139.00233309 -139.00110971 7.272825E+02 -0.00000 24
86340 1.044240E+01 2.015737E-03 0.000000E+00 1.967750E+02 -139.02555726 -139.02555726 -139.00312386 -139.00110813 7.272825E+02 -0.00000 24
# Make a universe
uni = exatomic.Universe(atom=atom, frame=evp)
x          float64
y          float64
z          float64
frame     category
symbol    category
vx         float64
vy         float64
vz         float64
fx         float64
fy         float64
fz         float64
dtype: object
%time uni.compute_atom_two()    # Compute interatomic distances
CPU times: user 6.69 s, sys: 298 ms, total: 6.99 s
Wall time: 7.04 s
(240024, 11)
(1874130, 4)
uni.molecule.shape     # Automatically computes molecules from  atom-atom distances
(80030, 3)
[ ]:
exatomic.UniverseWidget(uni)    # Visualize the universe!
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