Extraction of cluster geometries from a trajectory

from exa.util import isotopes
import exatomic
from exatomic.core.two import compute_atom_two_out_of_core    # If we need to compute atom_two out of core (low RAM)
from exatomic.algorithms.neighbors import periodic_nearest_neighbors_by_atom    # Only valid for simple cubic periodic cells
from exatomic.base import resource # Helper function to find the path to an example file
xyzpath = resource("rh2.traj.xyz")
xyz = exatomic.XYZ(xyzpath)    # Editor that can parse the XYZ file and build a universe!
u = xyz.to_universe()    # Parse the XYZ data to a universe
u.info()    # Current tables
size type
atom 985706 exatomic.core.atom.Atom
frame 1616 exatomic.core.frame.Frame
# Add the unit cell dimensions to the frame table of the universe
a = 37.08946302
for i, q in enumerate(("x", "y", "z")):
    for j, r in enumerate(("i", "j", "k")):
        if i == j:
            u.frame[q+r] = a
            u.frame[q+r] = 0.0
    u.frame["o"+q] = 0.0
u.frame['periodic'] = True
len(u)    # Number of steps in this trajectory (small for example purposes)
isotopes.Rh.radius    # Default Rh (covalent) radius

To extract clusters from the trajectory, we don’t need to pre-compute atom_two

symbol x y z frame
0 Rh 19.3251 20.99490 12.9253 0
1 Rh 20.8605 19.40470 17.0475 0
2 Cl 32.7903 9.48909 27.4356 0
3 Cl 27.2017 10.59920 26.4768 0
4 Cl 39.1224 25.75620 13.6518 0
dct = periodic_nearest_neighbors_by_atom(u,       # Universe with all frames from which we want to extract clusters
                                         "Rh",    # Source atom from which we will search for neighbors
                                         a,       # Cubic cell dimension
                                         # Cluster sizes we want
                                         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16],
                                         # Additional arguments to be passed to the atomic two body calculation
                                         # Note that it is critical to increase dmax (in compute_atom_two)!!!
                                         Rh=2.6, dmax=a/2)
CPU times: user 2min 20s, sys: 2min 35s, total: 4min 56s
Wall time: 5min 20s
dct.keys()    # 'dct' is a dictionary containing our clustered universes as well as the sorted neighbor list (per frame)
dict_keys(['nearest', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16])
dct['nearest'].head()    # Table of sorted indexes of nearest molecules to "Rh" in each frame
frame idx two atom molecule
0 0 18 421055 5186 890
1 0 26 420722 4930 879
2 0 30 420997 5083 859
3 0 34 420801 5090 857
4 0 35 420834 5155 881
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exatomic.UniverseWidget(dct[0])    # Just the analyte
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exatomic.UniverseWidget(dct[16])   # View the universe with 16 nearest molecules

If we had wanted to view the entire universe…

%time u.compute_atom_two(Rh=2.6)    # Compute atom two body data with slightly larger Rh radius
# OR
#%time compute_atom_two_out_of_core("atom_two.hdf", u, a, Rh=2.6)      # Writes the two body data to "atom_two.hdf" with keys "frame_{index}/atom_two"
CPU times: user 3.17 s, sys: 281 ms, total: 3.45 s
Wall time: 3.51 s
u.memory_usage().sum()/1024**2    # RAM usage (MB)
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