exatomic.exa.util.isotopes module

Periodic Table of Elements and Isotopes

This module provides a database of the atomic elements and their isotopes. Visualization parameters are also provided. Data is provided and maintained by NIST. The full api is given in the code example below. Note that not all attributes that are present on isotopes are present on elements (and vice versa).

from exatomic.exa.util import isotopes
isotopes.H            # Hydrogen element
isotopes.H[2]         # Hydrogen isotopes 2 (deuterium)
isotopes.H.cov_radius # Empirical covalent radius (a.u. - Bohr)
isotopes.H.van_radius # Empirical Van der Waals radius (a.u. - Bohr)
isotopes.H.af         # Abundance fraction
isotopes.H.afu        # Abundance fraction uncertainty
isotopes.H.mass       # Atomic mass (g/mol)
isotopes.H.massu      # Atomic mass uncertainty (g/mol)
isotopes.H.eneg       # Electronegativity (Pauling scale)
isotopes.H[2].quad    # Nuclear quadrupole moment (eb - electron-barn - e10^(-28)m^2)
isotopes.H[2].A       # Atomic mass number (g/mol)
isotopes.H.Z          # Proton number
isotopes.H[2].g       # Nuclear g-factor (dimensionless magnetic moment)
isotopes.H[2].spin    # Nuclear spin
isotopes.H.color      # Traditional atomic color (HTML)
isotopes.H.name       # Full element name


Isotopes are provided as part of the static data directory.

class exatomic.exa.util.isotopes.Element(symbol, name, mass, znum, cov_radius, van_radius, color)[source]

Bases: object

An element from Mendeleev’s periodic table.

from exatomic.exa.util import isotopes
H = isotopes.H         # Hydrogen element (isotope averaged)
D = isotopes.H['2']    # Deuterium (2H, a specific isotope)
isotopes.H.isotopes    # List of available isotopes
property isotopes
property radius
class exatomic.exa.util.isotopes.Isotope(anum, znum, af, afu, cov_radius, van_radius, g, mass, massu, name, eneg, quad, spin, symbol, color)[source]

Bases: object

A specific atomic isotope (the physical manifestation of an element).

from exatomic.exa.util import isotopes
isotopes.U['235'].mass    # Mass of 235-U
property radius

Return a dataframe of isotopes.