exatomic.algorithms.car2sph module

Cartesian to spherical transforms, obtained symbolically, numbafied. Generated using the following code.

from exatomic.algorithms.basis import enum_cartesian, car2sph

def _car2sph_raw(L):
    fmt = '{: 20.16f},'
    c2s = car2sph(sh, enum_cartesian)
    for L in range(11):
        if not L:
            f += '    if not L: return np.array([1.])\n'
        tmt = (fmt * 4 + '\n') * (c2s[L].size // 4) + fmt * (c2s[L].size % 4)
        cdim, sdim = c2s[L].shape
        scaled = c2s[L] / (2 * np.pi ** 0.5)
        vals = tmt.format(*scaled.flatten())
        f += '    if L == {}:\n        return np.array([\n{}])\n'.format(L, vals)
    return f

Coefficients of symbolic solid harmonics / (2 * pi ** 0.5).