Source code for exatomic.widgets.widget_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Lower Level Widgets
Lower level support widgets framework.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import os
#import numpy as np
from base64 import b64decode
from traitlets import (Bool, Int, Float, Unicode,
                       List, Any, Dict, link)
from ipywidgets import (
    Box, VBox, HBox, IntSlider, Text, ToggleButton,
    DOMWidget, Layout, Button, Dropdown, register)

from exatomic import __js_version__
#from .traits import uni_traits
#from .widget_utils import (_glo, _flo, _wlo, _hboxlo,
from .widget_utils import (_wlo, _hboxlo,
                           _vboxlo, _bboxlo, _ListDict,
                           Folder, GUIBox, gui_field_widgets)

[docs]@register class ExatomicScene(DOMWidget): """ A custom scene (three.js scene) used for visualization of an atomic universe. Custom parameters can be inspected using ``vars``. Parameters include field dimensions, the universe itself, field colors, widths, heights for the widget, etc. """ _model_module_version = Unicode(__js_version__).tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(__js_version__).tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('exatomic').tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode('exatomic').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('ExatomicSceneModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ExatomicSceneView').tag(sync=True) # Base controls and GUI savedir = Unicode(os.getcwd()).tag(sync=True) imgname = Unicode().tag(sync=True) index = Int().tag(sync=True) # doesn't need sync cameras = List(trait=Dict()).tag(sync=True) save_cam = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) clear = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) save = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) w = Int(200).tag(sync=True) h = Int(200).tag(sync=True) field_pos = Unicode('#003399').tag(sync=True) field_neg = Unicode('#FF9900').tag(sync=True) field_iso = Float(2.0).tag(sync=True) field_o = Float(1.0).tag(sync=True) field = Unicode('null').tag(sync=True) field_kind = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) field_ml = Unicode('0').tag(sync=True) # Test containers # test = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # doesn't need sync uni = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # doesn't need sync field_nx = Int(31).tag(sync=True) field_ny = Int(31).tag(sync=True) field_nz = Int(31).tag(sync=True) field_ox = Float(-3.0).tag(sync=True) field_oy = Float(-3.0).tag(sync=True) field_oz = Float(-3.0).tag(sync=True) field_fx = Float(3.0).tag(sync=True) field_fy = Float(3.0).tag(sync=True) field_fz = Float(3.0).tag(sync=True) geom = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) def _handle_custom_msg(self, msg, callback): """Custom message handler.""" if msg['type'] == 'image': self._save_image(msg['content']) elif msg['type'] == 'camera': self._save_camera(msg['content']) else: print('Custom msg not handled.\n' 'type of msg : {}\n' 'msg : {}'.format(msg['type'], msg['content'])) def _save_camera(self, content): """Cache a save state of the current camera.""" self.cameras.append(content) def _save_image(self, content): """Save a PNG of the scene.""" savedir = self.savedir if savedir != os.getcwd(): if not os.path.isdir(savedir): raise Exception('Must supply a valid directory.') if not savedir.endswith(os.sep): savedir += os.sep nxt = 0 fmt = '{:06d}.png'.format fname = self.imgname if fname == 'name' or not fname: fname = fmt(nxt) while os.path.isfile(os.sep.join([savedir, fname])): nxt += 1 fname = fmt(nxt) if self.index: ext = '-{}.png'.format(self.index) if fname.endswith('.png'): fname = fname.replace('.png', ext) else: fname = fname + ext if not fname.endswith('.png'): fname += '.png' repl = 'data:image/png;base64,' with open(os.sep.join([savedir, fname]), 'wb') as f: f.write(b64decode(content.replace(repl, ''))) def _set_camera(self, c): """Ship the camera to JS to set a cached camera.""" if == -1: return try: self.send({'type': 'camera', 'content': self.cameras[]}) except IndexError: pass def _close(self): """Close the three.js objects and then close.""" self.send({'type': 'close'}) self.close() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): lo = kwargs.pop('layout', None) if lo is None: height = kwargs.pop('height', 'auto') min_height = kwargs.pop('min_height', '400px') min_width = kwargs.pop('min_width', '300px') flex = kwargs.pop('flex', '1 1 auto') lo = Layout(height=height, min_height=min_height, flex=flex, min_width=min_width) super(DOMWidget, self).__init__( *args, layout=lo, **kwargs)
[docs]@register class TensorScene(ExatomicScene): """Visualize a cartesian tensor.""" _model_name = Unicode('TensorSceneModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('TensorSceneView').tag(sync=True) field = Unicode('null').tag(sync=True) geom = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) txx = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) txy = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) txz = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) tyx = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) tyy = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) tyz = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) tzx = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) tzy = Float(0.).tag(sync=True) tzz = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) scale = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) tdx = Int(0).tag(sync=True) tens = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
[docs]@register class UniverseScene(ExatomicScene): """A scene for viewing quantum systems.""" _model_name = Unicode('UniverseSceneModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('UniverseSceneView').tag(sync=True) # Top level index frame_idx = Int(0).tag(sync=True) axis = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # Atom traits atom_x = Unicode().tag(sync=True) atom_y = Unicode().tag(sync=True) atom_z = Unicode().tag(sync=True) atom_l = Dict().tag(sync=True) atom_s = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # atom_r = Dict().tag(sync=True) atom_vr = Dict().tag(sync=True) atom_cr = Dict().tag(sync=True) atom_c = Dict().tag(sync=True) atom_3d = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # Two traits two_b0 = Unicode().tag(sync=True) two_b1 = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # Field traits field_i = List().tag(sync=True) field_v = List().tag(sync=True) field_p = Dict().tag(sync=True) field_idx = Any().tag(sync=True) field_iso = Float(0.03).tag(sync=True) field_show = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) cont_show = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) cont_axis = Unicode('z').tag(sync=True) cont_num = Int(10).tag(sync=True) cont_lim = List([-8, -1]).tag(sync=True) cont_val = Float(0.0).tag(sync=True) # Frame traits frame__a = Float(0.0).tag(sync=True) # Tensor traits tens = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) tensor_d = Dict().tag(sync=True) scale = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) tidx = Int(0).tag(sync=True) # View traits fill_idx = Int(0).tag(sync=True) bond_r = Float(-1).tag(sync=True) selected = Dict().tag(sync=True) clear_selected = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
# This block works to print out changes from javascript #@observe('selected') #def _observe_selected(self, change): # print(change['old']) # print(change['new'])
[docs]@register class ExatomicBox(Box): """Base class for containers of a GUI and scene.""" _model_module_version = Unicode(__js_version__).tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(__js_version__).tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode('exatomic').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('exatomic').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('ExatomicBoxModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ExatomicBoxView').tag(sync=True) active_scene_indices = List().tag(sync=True) linked = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def _update_active(self, b): """Control which scenes are controlled by the GUI.""" items = list(self._controls['active']._controls.items())[1:] self.active_scene_indices = [i for i, (key, obj) in enumerate(items) if obj.value] def _close(self, b): """Shut down all active widgets within the container.""" for widget in self._controls.values(): try: widget._close() except AttributeError: widget.close() for widget in self.scenes: try: widget._close() except AttributeError: widget.close() self.close() def _get(self, active=True, keys=False): """Get all the active GUI objects.""" mit = self._controls.values() return [obj for obj in mit if] def _active_folder(self): """Folder that houses the controls for active scenes.""" active = Button(icon='bars', description=' Active Scenes') opts = _ListDict([ (str(i), ToggleButton(description=str(i), value=True)) for i, scn in enumerate(self.scenes)]) for obj in opts.values(): obj.observe(self._update_active, names='value') return Folder(active, opts) def _save_folder(self): """Folder that houses the controls to save images.""" saves = Button(icon='save', description=' Image') saveopts = _ListDict([ ('dir', Text(value=os.getcwd())), ('name', Text(value='name')), ('save', Button(icon='download', description=' Save')) ]) for scn in self.scenes: link((saveopts['dir'], 'value'), (scn, 'savedir')) link((saveopts['name'], 'value'), (scn, 'imgname')) def _saves(b): for scn in = not saveopts['save'].on_click(_saves) return Folder(saves, saveopts) def _camera_folder(self): """Folder that houses controls for caching and setting cameras.""" ncams = max((len(scn.cameras) for scn in self.scenes)) if self.scenes else 0 camera = Button(icon='camera', description=' Camera') camopts = _ListDict([ ('get', Button(icon='arrow-circle-down', description=' Save')), ('set', IntSlider(description='Load', min=-1, max=ncams-1, value=-1, step=1))]) def _save_cam(b): for scn in scn.save_cam = not scn.save_cam btn = self._controls['camera']._controls['set'] btn.max = len(scn.cameras) camopts['get'].on_click(_save_cam) for scn in self.scenes: camopts['set'].observe(scn._set_camera, names='value') if len(self.scenes) > 1: camopts.insert(0, 'link', Button(icon='link', description=' Link')) def _link(b): self.linked = not self.linked btn = self._controls['camera']._controls['link'] if self.linked: btn.icon = 'unlink' btn.description = ' Unlink' else: btn.icon = 'link' btn.description = ' Link' camopts['link'].on_click(_link) return Folder(camera, camopts) def _field_folder(self, **kwargs): """Folder that houses controls for viewing scalar fields.""" uni = kwargs.pop('uni', False) #test = kwargs.pop('test', True) fdict = gui_field_widgets(uni)#, test) def _iso(c): for scn in scn.field_iso = def _alpha(c): for scn in scn.field_o = def _nx(c): for scn in scn.field_nx = def _ny(c): for scn in scn.field_ny = def _nz(c): for scn in scn.field_nz = fdict['iso'].observe(_iso, names='value') fdict['alpha'].observe(_alpha, names='value') fdict['nx'].observe(_nx, names='value') fdict['ny'].observe(_ny, names='value') fdict['nz'].observe(_nz, names='value') field = Button(description=' Fields', icon='cube') folder = Folder(field, fdict) return folder def _init_gui(self, **kwargs): """Initialize generic GUI controls and observe callbacks.""" mainopts = _ListDict([ ('close', Button(icon='trash', description=' Close', layout=_wlo)), ('clear', Button(icon='bomb', description=' Clear', layout=_wlo))]) mainopts['close'].on_click(self._close) if self.scenes: def _clear(b): for scn in scn.clear = not scn.clear mainopts['close'].on_click(self._close) mainopts['clear'].on_click(_clear) mainopts.update([('active', self._active_folder()), ('saves', self._save_folder()), ('camera', self._camera_folder())]) return mainopts
[docs] def active(self): return [self.scenes[idx] for idx in self.active_scene_indices]
def __init__(self, *objs, **kwargs): objs = (1,) if not objs else objs scenekwargs = kwargs.pop('scenekwargs', {}) #test = kwargs.pop('test', False) uni = kwargs.pop('uni', False) typ = kwargs.pop('typ', ExatomicScene) mh = kwargs.pop('min_height', None) mw = kwargs.pop('min_width', None) nframes = kwargs.pop('nframes', None) fields = kwargs.pop('fields', None) tensors = kwargs.pop('tensors', None) self.scenes, scenes = _scene_grid(objs, mh, mw,# test, uni, typ, scenekwargs) self._controls = self._init_gui(nframes=nframes, fields=fields, tensors=tensors, #test=test, uni=uni) for _, obj in self._controls.items(): if not hasattr(obj, 'active'): = True _ = kwargs.pop('layout', None) gui = GUIBox(self._get()) children = [gui, scenes] if self.scenes else [gui] super(ExatomicBox, self).__init__( children, layout=_bboxlo, active_scene_indices=list(range(len(self.scenes))), **kwargs)
#def _scene_grid(objs, mh, mw, test, uni, typ, scenekwargs): def _scene_grid(objs, mh, mw, uni, typ, scenekwargs): """Auxiliary function to lay out multiple scenes.""" n = objs[0] if isinstance(objs[0], int) else len(objs) if n > 9: raise NotImplementedError('Too many scenes') if mh is None: if n < 2: mh = '500px' elif n < 3: mh = '400px' elif n < 5: mh = '300px' elif n < 7: mh = '250px' else: mh = '200px' if n < 5: mod = 2 else: mod = 3 kwargs = {'min_height': mh, 'min_width': mw, 'uni': uni} kwargs.update(scenekwargs) flatscns, scenes = [], [] for i in range(n): kwargs['index'] = i if not i % mod: scenes.append([]) try: if isinstance(objs[i], DOMWidget): obj = objs[i] elif isinstance(objs[i], dict): objs[i].update(kwargs) obj = typ(**objs[i]) else: obj = typ(**kwargs) except IndexError: obj = typ(**kwargs) scenes[-1].append(obj) flatscns.append(obj) return flatscns, VBox([HBox(scns, layout=_hboxlo) for scns in scenes], layout=_vboxlo)