Source code for exatomic.nwchem.output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
NWChem Output
Parse NWChem output files and convert them into an exatomic Universe container.
import six
from os import sep, path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from six import StringIO
from collections import defaultdict
from exatomic.exa import TypedMeta
from exatomic.exa.util.units import Length
from exatomic.base import sym2z
from exatomic.core.frame import compute_frame_from_atom
from exatomic.algorithms.numerical import _square_indices
from exatomic.algorithms.basis import lmap
from exatomic.core.frame import Frame
from exatomic.core.atom import Atom, Frequency
from exatomic.core.basis import BasisSet, BasisSetOrder
from exatomic.core.orbital import Orbital, MOMatrix
from exatomic.core.tensor import Polarizability
from exatomic.core.gradient import Gradient
from .editor import Editor
from .basis import cartesian_ordering_function, spherical_ordering_function

[docs]class OutMeta(TypedMeta): atom = Atom orbital = Orbital momatrix = MOMatrix basis_set = BasisSet basis_set_order = BasisSetOrder frame = Frame roa = Polarizability gradient = Gradient frequency = Frequency
[docs]class Output(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): """Editor for NWChem calculation output file (stdout)."""
[docs] def parse_atom(self): """Parse the atom dataframe.""" _reatom01 = 'Geometry "' _reatom02 = 'Atomic Mass' _reatom03 = 'ECP "ecp basis"' _reatom04 = 'Output coordinates in' found = self.find(_reatom01, _reatom02, _reatom03, _reatom04, keys_only=True) unit = self[found[_reatom04][0]].split()[3] unit = "Angstrom" if unit == "angstroms" else "au" starts = np.array(found[_reatom01]) + 7 stops = np.array(found[_reatom02]) - 1 ecps = np.array(found[_reatom03]) + 2 ecps = {self[ln].split()[0]: int(self[ln].split()[3]) for ln in ecps} columns = ['label', 'tag', 'Z', 'x', 'y', 'z'] atom = pd.concat([self.pandas_dataframe(s, e, columns) for s, e in zip(starts, stops)]) atom['symbol'] = atom['tag'].str.extract('([A-z]{1,})([0-9]*)', expand=False)[0].str.lower().str.title() atom['Z'] = atom['Z'].astype(np.int64) atom['Zeff'] = (atom['Z'] - atom['tag'].map(ecps).fillna(value=0)).astype(np.int64) #n = len(atom) nf = atom.label.value_counts().max() nat = atom.label.max() atom['frame'] = [i for i in range(nf) for j in range(nat)] atom['label'] -= 1 atom['x'] *= Length[unit, 'au'] atom['y'] *= Length[unit, 'au'] atom['z'] *= Length[unit, 'au'] if atom['frame'].max() > 0: li = atom['frame'].max() atom = atom[~(atom['frame'] == li)] atom.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) del atom['label'] self.atom = Atom(atom)
[docs] def parse_orbital(self): """Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.orbital.Orbital` dataframe.""" orbital = None _remo01 = 'Molecular Orbital Analysis' _remo02 = 'alpha - beta orbital overlaps' _remo03 = 'center of mass' check = self.find(_remo01) if any(['Alpha' in value for value in check]): alpha_starts = np.array([no for no, line in check if 'Alpha' in line], dtype=np.int64) + 2 alpha_stops = np.array([no for no, line in check if 'Beta' in line], dtype=np.int64) - 1 beta_starts = alpha_stops + 3 beta_stops = np.array(self.find(_remo02, keys_only=True), dtype=np.int64) - 1 alpha_orbital = self._parse_orbital(alpha_starts, alpha_stops) beta_orbital = self._parse_orbital(beta_starts, beta_stops) alpha_orbital['spin'] = 0 beta_orbital['spin'] = 1 orbital = pd.concat((alpha_orbital, beta_orbital), ignore_index=True) else: starts = np.array(list(zip(*check))[0], dtype=np.int64) + 2 stops = np.array(self.find(_remo03, keys_only=True), dtype=np.int64) - 1 orbital = self._parse_orbital(starts, stops) orbital['spin'] = 0 orbital['group'] = 0 self.orbital = Orbital(orbital)
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self): """ Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.orbital.MOMatrix` dataframe. Note: Must supply 'print "final vectors" "final vectors analysis"' for momatrix """ key0 = "Final MO vectors" key1 = "center of mass" found = self.find(key0, key1) if found[key0]: start = found[key0][0][0] + 6 end = found[key1][0][0] - 1 c = pd.read_fwf(StringIO("\n".join(self[start:end])), widths=(6, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12), names=list(range(7))) self.c = c idx = c[c[0].isnull()].index.values c = c[~c.index.isin(idx)] del c[0] nbas = len(self.basis_set_order) n = c.shape[0]//nbas coefs = [] # The for loop below is like numpy.array_split(df, n); using numpy.array_split # with dataframes seemed to have strange results where splits had wrong sizes? for i in range(n): coefs.append(c.iloc[i*nbas:(i+1)*nbas, :].astype(float).dropna(axis=1).values.ravel("F")) c = np.concatenate(coefs) del coefs orbital, chi = _square_indices(len(self.basis_set_order)) self.momatrix = MOMatrix.from_dict({'coef': c, 'chi': chi, 'orbital': orbital, 'frame': 0})
# momatrix = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'coef': c, 'chi': chi, 'orbital': orbital}) # momatrix['frame'] = 0 # self.momatrix = momatrix def _parse_orbital(self, starts, stops): ''' This function actually performs parsing of :class:`~exatomic.orbital.Orbital` See Also: :func:`~exnwchem.output.Output.parse_orbital` ''' joined = '\n'.join(['\n'.join(self[s:e]) for s, e in zip(starts, stops)]) nvec = joined.count('Vector') if 'spherical' not in self.meta: self.parse_basis_set() mapper = self.basis_set.functions(self.meta['spherical']).groupby(level="set").sum() nbas = self.atom['set'].map(mapper).sum() nbas *= nvec # Orbital dataframe -- alternatively one could parse the strings # into the DataFrame and then use the pd.Series.str methods to # perform all the replacements at the same time, eg. 'D' --> 'E' # and 'Occ=' --> '', etc. orb_no = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.int64) occ = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.float64) nrg = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.float64) x = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.float64) y = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.float64) z = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.float64) frame = np.empty((nvec, ), dtype=np.int64) fc = -1 # Frame counter oc = 0 # Orbital counter for s, e in zip(starts, stops): fc += 1 for line in self[s:e]: ls = line.split() if 'Vector' in line: orb_no[oc] = ls[1] occ[oc] = ls[2].replace('Occ=', '').replace('D', 'E') nrg[oc] = ls[3].replace('E=', '').replace('D', 'E') if 'E=-' in line else ls[4].replace('D', 'E') frame[oc] = fc elif 'MO Center' in line: x[oc] = ls[2].replace(',', '').replace('D', 'E') y[oc] = ls[3].replace(',', '').replace('D', 'E') z[oc] = ls[4].replace(',', '').replace('D', 'E') oc += 1 orb_no -= 1 return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'x': x, 'y': z, 'z': z, 'frame': frame, 'vector': orb_no, 'occupation': occ, 'energy': nrg})
[docs] def parse_basis_set(self): """ Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.basis.BasisSet` dataframe. """ if not hasattr(self, "atom"): self.parse_atom() _rebas01 = ' Basis "' _rebas02 = ' Summary of "' _rebas03 = [' s ', ' px ', ' py ', ' pz ', ' d ', ' f ', ' g ', ' h ', ' i ', ' j ', ' k ', ' l ', ' m ', ' p '] found = self.find(_rebas01, _rebas02) spherical = True if "spherical" in found[_rebas01][0][1] else False start = found[_rebas01][0][0] + 2 idx = 1 if len(found[_rebas02]) > 1 else -1 stop = found[_rebas02][idx][0] - 1 # Read in all of the extra lines that contain ---- and tag names df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO("\n".join(self[start:stop])), widths=(4, 2, 16, 16), names=("shell", "L", "alpha", "d")) df.loc[df['shell'] == "--", "shell"] = np.nan tags = df.loc[(df['shell'].str.isdigit() == False), "shell"] idxs = tags.index.tolist() idxs.append(len(df)) df['set'] = "" for i, tag in enumerate(tags): df.loc[idxs[i]:idxs[i + 1], "set"] = tag df = df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True) mapper = {v: k for k, v in dict(enumerate(df['set'].unique())).items()} df['set'] = df['set'].map(mapper) df['L'] = df['L'].str.strip().str.lower().map(lmap) df['alpha'] = df['alpha'].astype(float) df['d'] = df['d'].astype(float) # NO SUPPORT FOR MULTIPLE FRAMES? df['frame'] = 0 self.basis_set = BasisSet(df) self.meta['spherical'] = spherical self.atom['set'] = self.atom['tag'].map(mapper)
[docs] def parse_basis_set_order(self): dtype = [('center', 'i8'), ('shell', 'i8'), ('L', 'i8')] if 'spherical' not in self.meta: self.parse_basis_set() if self.meta['spherical']: dtype += [('ml', 'i8')] else: dtype += [('l', 'i8'), ('m', 'i8'), ('n', 'i8')] mapper = self.basis_set.functions(self.meta['spherical']).groupby(level="set").sum() nbas = self.atom['set'].map(mapper).sum() bso = np.empty((nbas,), dtype=dtype) cnt = 0 bases = self.basis_set.groupby('set') for seht, center in zip(self.atom['set'], self.atom.index): bas = bases.get_group(seht).groupby('shell') if self.meta['spherical']: for shell, grp in bas: l = grp['L'].values[0] for ml in spherical_ordering_function(l): bso[cnt] = (center, shell, l, ml) cnt += 1 else: for shell, grp in bas: l = grp['L'].values[0] for _, ll, m, n in cartesian_ordering_function(l): bso[cnt] = (center, shell, l, ll, m, n) cnt += 1 bso = pd.DataFrame(bso) bso['frame'] = 0 # New shell definition consistent with basis internals shls = [] grps = bso.groupby(['center', 'L']) cache = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))) for (cen, L), grp in grps: for ml in grp['ml']: shls.append(cache[cen][L][ml]) cache[cen][L][ml] += 1 bso['shell'] = shls self.basis_set_order = bso
[docs] def parse_roa(self): """ Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.tensor.Polarizability` dataframe. This will parse the output from the Raman Optical Activity outputs. Note: We generate a 3D tensor with the 2D tensor code. 3D tensors will have 3 rows labeled with the same name. """ _reroa = 'roa begin' _reare = 'alpha real' _reaim = 'alpha im' # _reombre = 'beta real' # _reombim = 'beta im' _reombre = 'omega beta(real)' _reombim = 'omega beta(imag)' _redqre = 'dipole-quadrupole real (Cartesian)' _redqim = 'dipole-quadrupole imag (Cartesian)' if not self.find(_reroa): return found_2d = self.find(_reare, _reaim, _reombre, _reombim, keys_only=True) found_3d = self.find(_redqre, _redqim, keys_only=True) data = {} start = np.array(list(found_2d.values())).reshape(4,) + 1 end = np.array(list(found_2d.values())).reshape(4,) + 10 columns = ['x', 'val'] data = [self.pandas_dataframe(s, e, columns) for s, e in zip(start, end)] df = pd.concat([dat for dat in data]).reset_index(drop=True) df['grp'] = [i for i in range(4) for j in range(9)] df = df[['val', 'grp']] df = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby('grp').apply(lambda x: x.unstack().values[:-9]).values.tolist(), columns=['xx', 'xy', 'xz','yx','yy','yz','zx','zy','zz']) # find the electric dipole-quadrupole polarizability # NWChem gives this as a list of 18 values assuming the matrix to be symmetric # for our implementation we need to extend it to 27 elements # TODO: check that NWChem does assume that the 3D tensors are symmetric start = np.sort(np.array(list(found_3d.values())).reshape(2,)) + 1 end = np.sort(np.array(list(found_3d.values())).reshape(2,)) + 19 data = [self.pandas_dataframe(s, e, columns) for s, e in zip(start, end)] df3 = pd.concat([dat for dat in data]).reset_index(drop=True) vals = df3['val'].values.reshape(2,3,6) adx = np.triu_indices(3) mat = np.zeros((2,3,3,3)) for i in range(2): for j in range(3): mat[i][j][adx] = vals[i][j] mat[i][j] = mat[i][j] + np.transpose(mat[i][j]) - np.identity(3)*mat[i][j] mat = mat.reshape(18,3) df3 = pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) df3['grp1'] = [i for i in range(2) for j in range(9)] df3['grp2'] = [j for i in range(2) for j in range(3) for n in range(3)] df3 = pd.DataFrame(df3.groupby(['grp1','grp2']).apply(lambda x: x.unstack().values[:-6]).values.tolist(), columns=['xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz'], index=['Ax_real','Ay_real','Az_real','Ax_imag','Ay_imag','Az_imag']) split_label = np.transpose([i.split('_') for i in df3.index.values]) label = split_label[0] types = split_label[1] df['label'] = found_2d.keys() df['label'].replace([_reare, _reombre, _reaim, _reombim], ['alpha-real', 'g_prime-real', 'alpha-imag', 'g_prime-imag'], inplace=True) df['type'] = [i.split('-')[-1] for i in df['label'].values] df['label'] = [i.split('-')[0] for i in df['label'].values] df['frame'] = np.repeat([0], len(df.index)) df3['label'] = label df3['type'] = types df3['frame'] = np.repeat([0], len(df3.index)) self.roa = pd.concat([df, df3], ignore_index=True)
[docs] def parse_frequency(self): """ Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.atom.Frequency` dataframe. Note: This code removes all negative frequencies. """ _remeth = "NORMAL MODE EIGENVECTORS IN CARTESIAN COORDINATES" _refreq = "Frequency" _renat = "Atom information" found = self.find(_remeth) fnat = self.find(_renat) if not found and not fnat: return # get atom information start = fnat[0][0]+3 stop = start while '----' not in self[stop]: stop += 1 # we assume that there is only one instance of where _renat is found columns = ['symbol', 'atom', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'mass'] atom = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, columns) atom['atom'] -= 1 nat = len(atom) # find bounds where the calculated frequencies are start = found[0][0] stop = found[1][0] # get the data found = self.find(_refreq, start=start, stop=stop) dfs = [] fdx = 0 # get frequencies for lno, ln in found: # get the frequency values tmp = ln.split()[1:] freq = np.asarray([float(i) for i in tmp]) ## TODO: here we remove all negative frequencies ## need to find out if this is ok to do # set start and end points for the calculated normal modes staf = lno+start+1 stof = lno+start+nat*3+2 nm = self.pandas_dataframe(staf, stof, ncol=len(freq)).reset_index(drop=True) # generate boolean array that shows False for negative frequencies neg = [not f < 0 for f in freq] # remove negative frequencies nm.drop(columns=[idx for idx, val in enumerate(neg) if not val], inplace=True) freq = freq[neg] # get normal modes in the x, y, z directions nm = nm.stack().values nfreq = len(freq) dx = nm[::3] dy = nm[1::3] dz = nm[2::3] # assemble dataframe symbol = np.tile(atom['symbol'], nfreq) adx = np.tile(atom['atom'], nfreq) freq = np.repeat(freq, nat) freqdx = np.repeat([i for i in range(fdx, fdx + nfreq)], nfreq) frames = np.repeat([0], nfreq*nat) fdx += nfreq stacked = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'symbol': symbol, 'atom': adx, 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'dz': dz, 'freq': freq, 'freqdx': freqdx, 'frames': frames}) dfs.append(stacked) frequency = pd.concat(dfs).reset_index(drop=True) self.frequency = frequency
[docs] def parse_gradient(self): """ Parse :class:`exatomic.core.gradient.Gradient` dataframe. """ _regrad = "DFT ENERGY GRADIENTS" found = self.find(_regrad) if not found: return found = self.find(_regrad, keys_only=True) # find start and stop points starts = np.array(found) + 4 stop = starts[0] while '----' not in self[stop]: stop += 1 # backtrack one line as the line after the needed info is empty stop -= 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) dfs = [] # generate dataframe array columns = ['atom', 'symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz'] for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): gradient = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, columns) gradient['frame'] = i dfs.append(gradient[['atom', 'symbol', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'frame']]) # construct the dataframe gradient = pd.concat(dfs).reset_index(drop=True) gradient['Z'] = gradient['symbol'].map(sym2z) # want to keep more or less the same order across dataframes # or at least try self.gradient = gradient[['Z', 'atom', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'symbol', 'frame']]
[docs] def parse_frame(self): """ Create a minimal :class:`~exatomic.core.frame.Frame` from the (parsed) :class:`~exatomic.core.atom.Atom` object. """ _rescfen = 'Total SCF energy' _redften = 'Total DFT energy' self.frame = compute_frame_from_atom(self.atom) found = self.find(_rescfen, _redften) scfs = found[_rescfen] dfts = found[_redften] if scfs and dfts: print('Warning: found total energies from scf and dft, using dft') dfts = [float(val.split()[-1]) for key, val in dfts] self.frame['total_energy'] = dfts elif scfs: scfs = [float(val.split()[-1]) for key, val in scfs] self.frame['total_energy'] = scfs elif dfts: dfts = [float(val.split()[-1]) for key, val in dfts] self.frame['total_energy'] = dfts
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Output, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Ecce(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): def _parse_movecs(self, start, stop): ndim = int(self[start].split('%')[3].split()[0]) vals = [] small = [] for line in self[start+1:stop]: ll = line.split() for l in ll: try: small.append(float(l)) if len(small) == ndim: vals.append(small) small = [] except: try: num, val = l.split('*') num = int(num) val = float(val) for _ in range(num): small.append(val) if len(small) == ndim: vals.append(small) small = [] except Exception as e: print(f'something went wrong parsing ecce movecs: {str(e)}') return vals = [chi for mo in vals for chi in mo] vals = pd.DataFrame(vals) vals.columns = ['coef'] vals['chi'] = np.tile(list(range(ndim)), ndim) vals['orbital'] = np.repeat(list(range(ndim)), ndim) vals['frame'] = 0 self.momatrix = vals def _parse_occupations(self): bb = list(self._regex[self._rebmooccs].keys()) b = bb[0] + 1 ee = list(self._regex[self._reemooccs].keys()) if len(bb) > 1: print('ambiguous orbital selection: are these the orbitals you are looking for?') e = ee[0] occs = self.pandas_dataframe(b, e, 4).stack().values self.occupations = occs
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self): #try: b = list(self._regex[self._rebmovecs].keys())[0] e = list(self._regex[self._reemovecs].keys())[0] self._parse_movecs(b, e) self._parse_occupations()
#except: # print(self._regex) # print('did not parse momatrix with kind={} and spin={}'.format(self._kind, self._spin))
[docs] def parse(self): if self._kind is not None: if self._spin is not None: self._rebmovecs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%begin%molecular orbital vectors.*' + self._spin self._reemovecs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%end%molecular orbital vectors.*' + self._spin self._rebmooccs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%begin%molecular orbital occupations.*' + self._spin self._reemooccs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%end%molecular orbital occupations.*' + self._spin else: self._rebmovecs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%begin%molecular orbital vectors' self._reemovecs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%end%molecular orbital vectors' self._rebmooccs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%begin%molecular orbital occupations' self._reemooccs = r'.*' + self._kind + '%end%molecular orbital occupations' else: try: self._rebmovecs = r'.*%begin%molecular orbital vectors' self._regex = self.regex(self._rebmovecs) self._reemovecs = r'.*%end%molecular orbital vectors' self._rebmooccs = r'.*%begin%molecular orbital occupations' self._reemooccs = r'.*%end%molecular orbital occupations' except IndexError: print('could not find which movecs to parse, try specifying kind and/or spin') self._regex = self.regex(self._rebmovecs, self._reemovecs, self._rebmooccs, self._reemooccs) self.parse_momatrix()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kind = kwargs.pop("kind", None) spin = kwargs.pop("spin", None) super(Ecce, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._kind = kind self._spin = spin self.parse()
[docs]def parse_nwchem(file_path, ecce=None, kind='scf'): """ Will parse an NWChem output file. Optionally it will attempt to parse an ECCE (extensible computational chemistry environment) output containing the C matrix to be used in visualization of molecular orbitals. The kind parameter chooses the 'scf' or 'dft' C matrix in the ecce output. Args: file_path (str): file path to the output file ecce (str): name of the ecce output in the same directory Returns: parsed (Editor): contains many attributes similar to the exatomic Universe """ uni = Output(file_path) dirtree = sep.join(file_path.split(sep)[:-1]) if ecce is not None: fp = sep.join([dirtree, ecce]) if path.isfile(fp): momat = Ecce(fp, kind=kind) uni.momatrix = momat.momatrix else: print('Is {} in the same directory as {}?'.format(ecce, file_path)) return uni