Source code for exatomic.molcas.output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Molcas Output Parser
Multiple frames are not currently supported
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import os
import re
import six
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from six import StringIO
from exatomic.exa import TypedMeta
import exatomic
from .editor import Editor
from exatomic.core import Atom, Gradient, Frequency
from exatomic.algorithms.numerical import _flat_square_to_triangle, _square_indices
from exatomic.algorithms.basis import lmap, spher_lml_count
from exatomic.core.basis import (Overlap, BasisSet, BasisSetOrder,
from exatomic.core.orbital import DensityMatrix, MOMatrix, Orbital
from exatomic.base import sym2z, z2sym

[docs]class OrbMeta(TypedMeta): momatrix = MOMatrix orbital = Orbital
[docs]class Orb(six.with_metaclass(OrbMeta, Editor)): """ Parser for molcas coefficient matrix dumps (e.g. RasOrb). Note: This parser assumes the file contains data from a single calculation (i.e. a single frame). """
[docs] def to_universe(self): raise NotImplementedError("This editor has no parse_atom method.")
def _read_one(self, found, keys, start, stop, osh, old, ret, key): if not old: # In order for this not to break if someone decides # to change the print width format, compute it here ln = self[start] width = ln[3:].index(' ') + 3 keys['widths'] = [width] * len(ln.split()) keys['names'] = range(len(keys['widths'])) df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join(self[start:stop])), **keys) if not osh: ret.update({key: df.stack().dropna().values}) else: # Clean for open shell calcs rm = found[1] - found[0] - 1 df.drop([rm - 1, rm], inplace=True) df[0] = df[0].astype(np.float64) df = df.stack().dropna().astype(np.float64).values ret.update({key: df[:len(df)//2], key+'1': df[len(df)//2:]})
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self): _re_orb = 'ORBITAL' _re_occ = 'OCCUPATION NUMBERS' _re_ens = 'ONE ELECTRON ENERGIES' _re_osh = '#UORB' _re_idx = '#INDEX' _re_hmn = 'human' found = self.find(_re_orb, _re_occ, _re_ens, _re_osh, _re_idx, keys_only=True) found[_re_hmn] = [i for i in found[_re_occ] if _re_hmn in self[i].lower()] # Dimensions per irrep dims = list(map(int, self[5].split())) ndim = sum(dims) osh = len(found[_re_osh]) > 0 start = found[_re_orb][0] + 1 stops = found[_re_occ] + found[_re_ens] stop = min(stops) - 1 # Old file format old = len(self[start].split()) == 1 # MOMatrix table widths = [18] * 4 if old else [22] * 5 kws = {'widths': widths, 'names': range(len(widths))} df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join(self[start:stop])), widths=widths, names=range(len(widths))) df.drop(df[df[0].str.contains(_re_orb)].index, inplace=True) # Orbital occupations mo, orb = {}, {} start = found[_re_occ][0] + 1 stops = found[_re_hmn] + found[_re_ens] + found[_re_idx] + [len(self) + 1] stop = min(stops) - 1 self._read_one(found[_re_occ], kws, start, stop, osh, old, orb, 'occupation') # Orbital energies if found[_re_ens]: start = found[_re_ens][0] + 1 stop = found[_re_idx][0] self._read_one(found[_re_ens], kws, start, stop, osh, old, orb, 'energy') else: orb.update({'energy': 0}) # Get all the groupby indices if len(dims) > 1: # Symmetrized calc. mo.update({ 'irrep': [i for i, d in enumerate(dims) for _ in range(d * d)], 'orbital': [i for d in dims for i in range(d) for _ in range(d)], 'chi': [i for d in dims for _ in range(d) for i in range(d)]}) orb.update({'vector': [j for d in dims for j in range(d)], 'irrep': [i for i, d in enumerate(dims) for _ in range(d)]}) else: ordx, chidx = _square_indices(ndim) mo.update({'orbital': ordx, 'chi': chidx}) orb.update({'vector': range(ndim)}) # Unused groupby indices orb.update({'group': 0, 'spin': 0, 'frame': 0}) mo.update({'frame': 0}) if not osh: df[0] = df[0].astype(np.float64) mo.update({'coef': df.stack().dropna().values}) else: # Open shell calc. off = found[_re_orb][0] + 1 df.drop(found[_re_osh][0] - off, inplace=True) df[0] = df[0].astype(np.float64) coef = df.stack().dropna().values mo.update({'coef': coef[:len(coef)//2], 'coef1': coef[len(coef)//2:]}) self.momatrix = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mo) self.orbital = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(orb)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Orb, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OutMeta(TypedMeta): atom = Atom gradient = Gradient basis_set = BasisSet basis_set_order = BasisSetOrder sf_dipole_moment = pd.DataFrame sf_quadrupole_moment = pd.DataFrame sf_angmom = pd.DataFrame sf_energy = pd.DataFrame so_energy = pd.DataFrame sf_oscillator = pd.DataFrame so_oscillator = pd.DataFrame frequency = Frequency natural_occ = pd.DataFrame caspt2_energy = pd.DataFrame
[docs]class Output(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): _resta = "STATE" def _property_parsing(self, props, data_length): ''' Helper method for parsing the spin-free properties sections. ''' all_dfs = [] for idx, prop in enumerate(props): # find where the data blocks are printed starts = np.array(self.find(self._resta, start=prop, keys_only=True)) + prop + 2 # data_length should always be the same stops = starts + data_length # use np.ceil as if we have a 7x7 matrix we get one data set # with 4 columns and one with 3 columns n = int(np.ceil(data_length/4)) dfs = [] # grab all of the data # we use all hits up to n as there are many places with the # 'STATE' keyword so we want to just grab the data starting # at the property keyword for ndx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts[:n], stops[:n])): # should be four in all but the last data set ncols = len(self[start-2].split()) df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=ncols) # the only column we do not need will always be the # column with name 0 df.drop(0, axis=1, inplace=True) # set the columns as they should be df.columns = list(range(ndx*4, ndx*4+ncols-1)) dfs.append(df) # put the component together all_dfs.append(pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)) all_dfs[-1]['component'] = idx df = pd.concat(all_dfs, ignore_index=True) return df def _oscillator_parsing(self, start_idx): ''' Helper method to parse the oscillators. ''' ldx = start_idx + 6 oscillators = [] while '-----' not in self[ldx]: oscillators.append(self[ldx].split()) ldx += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(oscillators) df.columns = ['nrow', 'ncol', 'oscil', 'a_x', 'a_y', 'a_z', 'a_tot'] df[['nrow', 'ncol']] = df[['nrow', 'ncol']].astype(int) df[['nrow', 'ncol']] -= [1, 1] df[['nrow', 'ncol']] = df[['nrow', 'ncol']].astype('category') cols = ['oscil', 'a_x', 'a_y', 'a_z', 'a_tot'] df[cols] = df[cols].astype(np.float64) return df
[docs] def add_orb(self, path, mocoefs='coef', orbocc='occupation'): """ Add a MOMatrix and Orbital table to a molcas.Output. If path is an Editor containing momatrix and orbital tables then adds them directly, otherwise assumes it is a molcas.Orb file. Args: path (str, :class:`exatomic.core.editor.Editor`): path to file or Editor object mocoefs (str): rename coefficients orbocc (str): rename occupations """ if isinstance(path, exatomic.Editor): orb = path else: orb = Orb(path) if mocoefs != 'coef' and orbocc == 'occupation': orbocc = mocoefs # MOMatrix curmo = getattr(self, 'momatrix', None) if curmo is None: self.momatrix = orb.momatrix if mocoefs != 'coef': self.momatrix.rename(columns={'coef': mocoefs}, inplace=True) else: if mocoefs in self.momatrix.columns: raise ValueError('This action would overwrite ' 'coefficients. Specify mocoefs parameter.') for i, default in enumerate(['coef', 'coef1']): final = mocoefs + '1' if i else mocoefs if default in orb.momatrix: self.momatrix[final] = orb.momatrix[default] # Orbital curorb = getattr(self, 'orbital', None) if curorb is None: self.orbital = orb.orbital if orbocc != 'occupation': self.orbital.rename(columns={'occupation': orbocc}, inplace=True) else: if orbocc in self.orbital.columns: raise ValueError('This action would overwrite ' 'occupations. Specify orbocc parameter.') for i, default in enumerate(['occupation', 'occupation1']): final = orbocc + '1' if i else orbocc if default in orb.orbital.columns: self.orbital[final] = orb.orbital[default]
[docs] def add_overlap(self, path): try: # If it's an ASCII text file self.overlap = Overlap.from_column(path) except Exception: # If it's an HDF5 file hdf = HDF(path) if 'DESYM_CENTER_CHARGES' not in hdf._hdf: self.overlap = hdf.overlap return if 'irrep' not in self.momatrix: raise Exception("Trying to set symmetrized overlap with " "desymmetrized MOMatrix data.") ovl = pd.DataFrame(np.array(hdf._hdf['AO_OVERLAP_MATRIX']), columns=('coef',)) ovl['irrep'] = self.momatrix['irrep'] ovl['chi0'] = self.momatrix['chi'] ovl['chi1'] = self.momatrix['orbital'] ovl['frame'] = 0 self.overlap = ovl
def _check_atom_sym(self): """Parses a less accurate atom list to check for symmetry.""" _re_sym = 'Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom' start = self.find(_re_sym, keys_only=True)[0] + 4 cols = ['center', 'tag', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'd1', 'd2', 'd3'] stop = start while len(self[stop].split()) == len(cols): stop += 1 atom = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, cols) atom.drop(['d1', 'd2', 'd3'], axis=1, inplace=True) atom['symbol'] = atom['tag'].str.extract( '([A-z]{1,})([0-9]*)', expand=False)[0].str.lower().str.title() atom['frame'] = 0 atom['center'] -= 1 return atom
[docs] def parse_atom(self, seward=True): """Parses the atom list generated in SEWARD.""" if seward: _re_atom0 = 'Label Cartesian Coordinates' _re_atom1 = 'Center Label' found = self.find(_re_atom0, _re_atom1, keys_only=True) if found[_re_atom0]: accurate = True starts = [i + 2 for i in found[_re_atom0]] else: accurate = False starts = [i + 1 for i in found[_re_atom1]] stops = starts[:] # Copy the list for i in range(len(stops)): while len(self[stops[i]].strip().split()) > 3: stops[i] += 1 if not self[stops[i]].strip(): break stops[i] -= 1 if accurate: lns = StringIO('\n'.join([self._lines[i] for j in (range(i, j + 1) for i, j in zip(starts, stops)) for i in j])) cols = ['tag', 'x', 'y', 'z'] else: lns = StringIO('\n'.join(self[starts[0]:stops[0] + 1])) cols = ['center', 'tag', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xa', 'ya', 'za'] atom = pd.read_csv(lns, delim_whitespace=True, names=cols) if len(cols) == 8: atom.drop(['xa', 'ya', 'za'], axis=1, inplace=True) atom['symbol'] = atom['tag'].str.extract( '([A-z]{1,})([0-9]*)', expand=False)[0].str.lower().str.title() atom['Z'] = atom['symbol'].map(sym2z).astype(np.int64) atom['center'] = range(atom.shape[0]) atom['frame'] = 0 self.atom = atom # Work-around for symmetrized calcs? allatom = self._check_atom_sym() self.meta['symmetrized'] = False if allatom.shape[0] > self.atom.shape[0]: self.atom = allatom self.meta['symmetrized'] = True try: self.atom['utag'] = _add_unique_tags(self.atom) except ValueError: pass else: _reatom = "Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr" _reatom02 = "Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Bohr" found = self.find(_reatom, _reatom02, keys_only=True) if len(found[_reatom02]) > 1: raise ValueError("Found more than one final atom table.") elif len(found[_reatom02]) == 0: raise ValueError("Could not find a final atom table in the file.") starts = np.array(found[_reatom]) starts = np.array(list(starts)+found[_reatom02])+3 stop = starts[0] while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) cols = ['symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z'] dfs = [] for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=4) df.columns = cols label = np.concatenate(list(map(lambda x: re.findall(r'\D+', x), df['symbol']))) if label.shape[0] > df.shape[0]: text = "There was an issue with interpreting the labels " \ +"of the atom table. Expected {} labels but " \ +"interpreted {}" raise ValueError(text.format(df.shape[0], label.shape[0])) df['symbol'] = label df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['set'] = range(df.shape[0]) df['frame'] = idx dfs.append(df) atom = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.atom = atom
[docs] def parse_gradient(self): _regrad = "Molecular gradients" _reirr = "Irreducible representation:" found = self.find(_regrad, _reirr, keys_only=True) if not found[_regrad]: return if len(found[_regrad]) != len(found[_reirr]): text = "Do not have support for multiple irreducible " \ +"representations yet." raise NotImplementedError(text) starts = np.array(found[_regrad]) + 8 stop = starts[0] while self[stop].strip()[:2] != '--': stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) dfs = [] for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=4) cols = ['symbol', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz'] df.columns = cols label = np.concatenate(list(map(lambda x: re.findall(r'\D+', x), df['symbol']))) df['symbol'] = label df['atom'] = range(df.shape[0]) df['frame'] = idx df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) dfs.append(df) grad = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.gradient = grad
[docs] def parse_frequency(self, linear=False, normalize=True): _refreq = "Frequency:" _reint = "Intensity:" _remass = "Red. mass:" _rerot = "Note that rotational and translational degrees " \ +"have been automatically removed," found = self.find(_refreq, _reint, _rerot, _remass) if not found[_refreq]: return start = found[_remass][-1][0] + 2 stop = found[_remass][-1][0] + 2 while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 lines = stop - start dfs = [] count = 0 arr = zip(found[_refreq], found[_reint], found[_remass]) for idx, ((_, freq), (_, inten), (ldx, mass)) in enumerate(arr): # parse the normal modes start = ldx + 2 stop = start + lines arr = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=8) arr.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True) # extract the atomic symbols symbols = arr[0].drop_duplicates() symbols = list(map(lambda x: re.findall(r'\D+', x)[0], symbols)) nat = len(symbols) if linear and idx == 0 and found[_rerot]: arr.drop([2, 3, 4, 5, 6], axis=1, inplace=True) elif not found[_rerot] and idx == 0 and not linear: print("Found rotational modes in the calculation") continue # set the columns where the normal modes are on the table cols = range(2, arr.columns.max()+1) arr.drop([0], axis=1, inplace=True) # re-organize the normal mode data tmp = arr.groupby(1).apply(lambda x: x[cols].values.T.flatten()) df = pd.DataFrame(tmp.to_dict()) df.columns = ['dx', 'dy', 'dz'] errortext = "Something went wrong when trying to turn the {} " \ +"into floating point numbers." # get the frequencies # skip the first element as it is the table label freqs = freq.split()[1:] # replace all imaginary signs with '-' freqs = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('i', '-'), freqs)) # turn them into floats try: freqs = list(map(float, freqs)) except ValueError: print(freqs) raise ValueError(errortext.format('frequencies')) # get the reduced masses # skip the first element as it is the table label rmass = mass.split()[2:] # turn them into floats try: rmass = list(map(float, rmass)) except ValueError: print(rmass) raise ValueError(errortext.format('reduced masses')) # get the IR intensities # skip the first element as it is the table label irint = inten.split()[1:] # turn them into floats try: irint = list(map(float, irint)) except ValueError: print(irint) raise ValueError(errortext.format('IR intensities')) # put everything together df['symbol'] = np.tile(symbols, len(cols)) df['label'] = np.tile(range(nat), len(cols)) df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frequency'] = np.repeat(freqs, nat) df['r_mass'] = np.repeat(rmass, nat) df['ir_int'] = np.repeat(irint, nat) df.loc[df['ir_int'].abs() < 1e-9, 'ir_int'] = 0 df['freqdx'] = np.repeat(range(count*6, (count+1)*len(cols)), nat) count += 1 df['frame'] = 0 if normalize and found[_rerot]: df[['dx', 'dy', 'dz']] *= np.sqrt(df['r_mass'].values.reshape(-1,1)) elif normalize and not found[_rerot]: pass dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) cols = ['Z', 'label', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'frequency', 'freqdx', 'ir_int', 'r_mass', 'symbol', 'frame'] self.frequency = df[cols]
[docs] def parse_basis_set_order(self): """ Parses the shell ordering scheme if BSSHOW specified in SEWARD. """ _re_bas_order = 'Basis Label Type Center' starts = [i + 1 for i in self.find(_re_bas_order, keys_only=True)] lines, irreps, vecs, vec, nsym = [], [], [], 0, 0 for i, start in enumerate(starts): stop = start while self[stop].strip(): lines.append(stop) irreps.append(i) vecs.append(vec) nsym = max(nsym, len(self[stop].split())) stop += 1 vec += 1 lines.append(stop) vec = 0 symcols = [('ocen{}'.format(i), 'sign{}'.format(i)) for i in range((nsym - 5) // 2)] if symcols: self.meta['symmetrized'] = True cols = ['idx', 'tag', 'type', 'center', 'phase'] + \ [c for t in symcols for c in t] df = pd.read_csv(StringIO('\n'.join(self[i] for i in lines)), delim_whitespace=True, names=cols) # Symmetrized basis functions for col in df.columns: if col.startswith('ocen'): df[col] = df[col].fillna(0.).astype(np.int64) - 1 # Extra info for symmetrized calcs df['irrep'] = irreps df['vector'] = vecs df.drop(['idx'], inplace=True, axis=1) df['frame'] = 0 # 0-based indexing df['center'] -= 1 # Clean up (L, ml) values to ints df['L'] = df['type'].str[1].map(lmap) df['ml'] = df['type'].str[2:] df['ml'].update(df['ml'].map({'': 0, 'x': 1, 'y': -1, 'z': 0})) try: df['ml'].update(df['ml'].str[::-1]) except Exception: pass df['ml'] = df['ml'].astype(np.int64) # Seward and gateway may each print basis info. # See if this happened and if so, keep only the first half. try: # Apparently BSSHOW doesn't always print the basis set. if 'set' not in self.atom.columns: self.parse_basis_set() except ValueError: self.basis_set_order = df return bs = self.basis_set sp = self.meta['spherical'] nbf ='set').sum()).sum() if df.shape[0] > nbf: df = df.loc[:nbf - 1] irreps = irreps[:nbf] vecs = vecs[:nbf] self.basis_set_order = df shls = [] grps = df.groupby(['irrep', 'center', 'L', 'ml']) for (_, _, L, ml), grp in grps: # (? cen L, ml) shl = 0 for _ in grp.index: shls.append(shl) shl += 1 self.basis_set_order['shell'] = shls
[docs] def parse_basis_set(self): """Parses the primitive exponents, coefficients and shell if BSSHOW specified in SEWARD.""" _re_bas_0 = 'Shell nPrim nBasis Cartesian Spherical Contaminant' _re_bas_1 = 'Label Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr' _re_bas_2 = 'No. Exponent Contraction Coefficients' found = self.find(_re_bas_0, _re_bas_1, _re_bas_2, keys_only=True) bmaps = [i + 1 for i in found[_re_bas_0]] atoms = [i + 2 for i in found[_re_bas_1]] alphs = [i + 1 for i in found[_re_bas_2]] widths = [11, 7, 8, 11, 10, 12] names = _re_bas_0.split() setmap, basmap = {}, [] for seht, (start, atst) in enumerate(zip(bmaps, atoms)): stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 while self[atst].strip(): setmap[self[atst].split()[0]] = seht atst += 1 basmap.append(pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join(self[start:stop])), widths=widths, header=None, names=names)) basmap[-1]['set'] = seht self.atom['set'] = self.atom['tag'].map(setmap) basmap = pd.concat(basmap).reset_index(drop=True) basmap['Shell'] = basmap['Shell'].map(lmap) prims, pset, shell = [], 0, 0 for start, seht, L, nprim, nbas in zip(alphs, basmap['set'], basmap['Shell'], basmap['nPrim'], basmap['nBasis']): if pset != seht: shell = 0 # In case contraction coefficients overflow to next line nmatch = len(self[start].split()) neat = nmatch == len(self[start + 1].split()) if neat: block = self.pandas_dataframe(start, start + nprim, nbas + 2) else: # Extra obfuscation to handle exotic cases ext = 1 while nmatch != len(self[start + ext].split()): ext += 1 stop = start + ext * nprim collated = [''.join(self[start + i * ext : start + i * ext + ext]) for i in range(nprim)] ncols = len(collated[0].split()) block = pd.read_csv(StringIO('\n'.join(collated)), delim_whitespace=True, names=range(ncols)) alps = (pd.concat([block[1]] * nbas).reset_index(drop=True) .str.replace('D', 'E').astype(np.float64)) ds = block[list(range(2, nbas + 2))].unstack().reset_index(drop=True) pdf = pd.concat([alps, ds], axis=1) pdf.columns = ['alpha', 'd'] pdf['L'] = L pdf['shell'] = np.repeat(range(shell, shell + nbas), nprim) pdf['set'] = seht prims.append(pdf) shell += nbas pset = seht prims = pd.concat(prims).reset_index(drop=True) prims['frame'] = 0 self.basis_set = prims self.meta['spherical'] = True if self.basis_set.lmax < 2: self.meta['spherical'] = False
[docs] def parse_sf_dipole_moment(self): ''' Get the Spin-Free electric dipole moment from RASSI ''' # define the search string _retdm = "PROPERTY: MLTPL 1" component_map = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z'} found = self.find(_retdm, keys_only=True) if not found: return if len(found) > 6: # in new version of molcas they introduced # extra matrices that are printed so this # was added due to that change props = np.array(found)[:6:2] else: props = np.array(found)[:3] # find the number of lines that the data spans stop = props[0] + 5 while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 data_length = stop - props[0] - 5 # get the data stdm = self._property_parsing(props, data_length) stdm['component'] = stdm['component'].map(component_map) self.sf_dipole_moment = stdm
[docs] def parse_sf_quadrupole_moment(self): ''' Get the Spin-Free electric quadrupole moment from RASSI ''' _requad = "PROPERTY: MLTPL 2" component_map = {0: 'xx', 1: 'xy', 2: 'xz', 3: 'yy', 4: 'yz', 5: 'zz'} found = self.find(_requad, keys_only=True) if not found: return # molcas prints the upper triangular tensor # elements of the full quadrupole tensor props = np.array(found)[:6] # find the number of lines that the data spans stop = props[0] + 5 while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 data_length = stop - props[0] - 5 # get the data sqdm = self._property_parsing(props, data_length) sqdm['component'] = sqdm['component'].map(component_map) self.sf_quadrupole_moment = sqdm
[docs] def parse_sf_angmom(self): ''' Get the Spin-Free angular momentum from RASSI ''' _reangm = "PROPERTY: ANGMOM" component_map = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z'} found = self.find(_reangm, keys_only=True) if not found: return props = np.array(found)[:3] # find the number of lines that the data spans stop = props[0] + 5 while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 data_length = stop - props[0] - 5 # get the data sangm = self._property_parsing(props, data_length) sangm['component'] = sangm['component'].map(component_map) self.sf_angmom = sangm
[docs] def parse_sf_energy(self): ''' Get the Spin-Free energies from RASSI or RASSCF ''' _reenerg = " RASSI State " _reenerg_rasscf = " RASSCF root number" found = self.find(_reenerg, _reenerg_rasscf) key = '' if found[_reenerg]: if found[_reenerg_rasscf]: msg = "Found RASSCF and RASSI Spin-Free energies.\n" \ +"Will only parse the RASSI Spin-Free energies." print(msg) key = _reenerg elif found[_reenerg_rasscf]: key = _reenerg_rasscf else: return # should not be necessary but you never know if key == '': msg = "There was an issue in determining the key to " \ +"be used in the parsing of the SF energies. " \ +"Please open an issue ticket as this should " \ +"never show." raise ValueError(msg) energies = [] for _, line in found[key]: energy = float(line.split()[-1]) energies.append(energy) # should always be the case that the first energy is the # ground state minimum energy rel_energy = list(map(lambda x: x - energies[0], energies)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'energy': energies, 'rel_energy': rel_energy}) self.sf_energy = df
[docs] def parse_so_energy(self): ''' Get the Spin-Orbit energies from RASSI ''' _reenerg = " SO-RASSI State " found = self.find(_reenerg) if not found: return energies = [] for _, line in found: energy = float(line.split()[-1]) energies.append(energy) rel_energy = list(map(lambda x: x - energies[0], energies)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'energy': energies, 'rel_energy': rel_energy}) self.so_energy = df
[docs] def parse_sf_oscillator(self): ''' Get the printed Spin-Free oscillators from RASSI ''' # TODO: check how this has to be adjusted for different # molcas print levels _reosc = "++ Dipole transition strengths (spin-free states):" found = self.find(_reosc, keys_only=True) if not found: return if len(found) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("We have found more than one key for the spin-free " \ +"oscillators.") df = self._oscillator_parsing(found[0]) self.sf_oscillator = df
[docs] def parse_so_oscillator(self): ''' Get the printed Spin-Orbit oscillators from RASSI ''' # TODO: check how this has to be adjusted for different # molcas print levels _reosc = "++ Dipole transition strengths (SO states):" found = self.find(_reosc, keys_only=True) if not found: return if len(found) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("We have found more than one key for the spin-orbit " \ +"oscillators.") df = self._oscillator_parsing(found[0]) self.so_oscillator = df
[docs] def parse_natural_occ(self): # define search string for natural occupations _renoo = "Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root" # define search string for energies per root _reeng = "energy=" found = self.find(_renoo, _reeng) if not found[_renoo]: return # get the occupations, roots, and energies of each root occs = {} roots = [] energies = [] for (nooldx, nooline), (_, engline) in zip(found[_renoo], found[_reeng]): energy = float(engline.split('=')[-1].strip()) energies.append(energy) root = list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', nooline))) # just an error check should never actually happen if len(root) != 1: raise ValueError("Found more than one group of numbers where one " \ +"number should have been listed for the root. " \ +"Found line {}".format(nooline)) roots.append(root[0]) # get the natural occupations dldx = nooldx+1 vals = {} while self[dldx].strip() != '': d = self[dldx].split() if d[0] == 'sym': arr = list(map(float, d[2:])) symm = int(d[1].replace(':', '')) if root[0] == 1: occs[symm] = [] vals[symm] = [] else: arr = list(map(float, d)) vals[symm].append(arr) dldx += 1 for key, item in vals.items(): occs[key].append(list(np.concatenate(item))) dfs = [] for symm, occ in occs.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(occ) df['symmetry'] = symm df['root'] = roots df['energy'] = energies df['rel_energy'] = df['energy'] - df['energy'].values.min() dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.natural_occ = df.sort_values(by=['symmetry', 'root']).reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def parse_caspt2_energy(self): # parsing strings _resspt2 = " CASPT2 Root" _remspt2 = " MS-CASPT2 Root" _reref = "Reference energy:" _reweight = "Reference weight:" _reroot = "Compute H0 matrices for state" _respin = "Spin quantum number" found = self.find(_resspt2, _reref, _reweight, _reroot, _respin, _remspt2) if not found[_resspt2]: return # TODO: this needs to be verified as it assumes that there is # only one spin/multiplicity in the system # do not know if this is always the case # get the spin quantum number of the system spin = float(found[_respin][0][1].split()[-1]) # get the multiplicity mult = np.repeat(int(2*spin + 1), len(found[_remspt2])) sspt2 = [] # SSPT2 energies mspt2 = [] # MSPT2 energies reference = [] # reference energies from the wavefunction file weights = [] # reference weight (not sure what it actually is) roots = [] # root index arr = zip(found[_resspt2], found[_reref], found[_reweight], found[_reroot], found[_remspt2]) # grab all of the values we are interested in for (_, ss), (_, ref), (_, weight), (_, root), (_, ms) in arr: sspt2.append(float(ss.split()[-1])) reference.append(float(ref.split()[-1])) weights.append(float(weight.split()[-1])) roots.append(int(re.findall(r'\d+', root)[-1])) mspt2.append(float(ms.split()[-1])) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'sspt2_au': sspt2, 'mspt2_au': mspt2, 'ras_au': reference, 'weight': weights, 'root': roots, 'mult': mult}) self.caspt2_energy = df
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Output, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class HDFMeta(TypedMeta): atom = Atom overlap = Overlap orbital = Orbital momatrix = MOMatrix basis_set = BasisSet basis_set_order = BasisSetOrder
[docs]class HDF(six.with_metaclass(HDFMeta, object)): _getter_prefix = 'parse' _to_universe = Editor._to_universe
[docs] def to_universe(self): return self._to_universe()
[docs] def parse_atom(self): ztag = 'CENTER_CHARGES' xtag = 'CENTER_COORDINATES' ltag = 'CENTER_LABELS' self.meta['symmetrized'] = False if 'DESYM_CENTER_CHARGES' in self._hdf: self.meta['symmetrized'] = True ztag = 'DESYM_' + ztag xtag = 'DESYM_' + xtag ltag = 'DESYM_' + ltag Z = pd.Series(self._hdf[ztag]).astype(np.int64) xyzs = np.array(self._hdf[xtag]) labs = pd.Series(self._hdf[ltag]).apply( lambda s: s.decode('utf-8').strip()) self.atom = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Z': Z, 'x': xyzs[:, 0], 'y': xyzs[:, 1], 'z': xyzs[:, 2], 'center': range(len(Z)), 'symbol':, 'label': labs, 'frame': 0}) if self.meta['symmetrized']: symops = {'E': np.array([ 1., 1., 1.]), 'x': np.array([-1., 0., 0.]), 'y': np.array([ 0., -1., 0.]), 'z': np.array([ 0., 0., -1.]), 'xy': np.array([-1., -1., 0.]), 'xz': np.array([-1., 0., -1.]), 'yz': np.array([ 0., -1., -1.]), 'xyz': np.array([-1., -1., -1.])} self.meta['symops'] = symops self.atom[['tag', 'symop']] = self.atom['label'].str.extract('(.*):(.*)', expand=True) self.atom['tag'] = self.atom['tag'].str.strip() self.atom['symop'] = self.atom['symop'].str.strip() try: self.atom['utag'] = _add_unique_tags(self.atom) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def parse_basis_set_order(self): bso = np.array(self._hdf['BASIS_FUNCTION_IDS']) df = {'center': bso[:, 0] - 1, 'shell': bso[:, 1] - 1, 'L': bso[:, 2], 'frame': 0} if bso.shape[1] == 4: df['ml'] = bso[:, 3] else: df['l'] = bso[:, 3] df['m'] = bso[:, 4] df['n'] = bso[:, 5] self.basis_set_order = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df)
[docs] def parse_orbital(self): ens = np.array(self._hdf['MO_ENERGIES']) self.orbital = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'energy': ens, 'vector': range(len(ens)), 'occupation': np.array(self._hdf['MO_OCCUPATIONS']), 'label': pd.Series(self._hdf['MO_TYPEINDICES']).apply( lambda s: s.decode('utf-8')), 'frame': 0, 'group': 0, 'spin': 0})
[docs] def parse_overlap(self): if 'symmetrized' not in self.meta: self.parse_atom() key = 'AO_OVERLAP_MATRIX' if not self.meta['symmetrized']: self.overlap = Overlap.from_column( _flat_square_to_triangle(np.array(self._hdf[key]))) else: print('Symmetrized overlap indices not set correctly.') self.overlap = Overlap.from_dict({ 'coef': np.array(self._hdf[key]), 'chi0': 0, 'chi1': 0, 'frame': 0 })
[docs] def parse_basis_set(self): if 'symmetrized' not in self.meta: self.parse_atom() bset = np.array(self._hdf['PRIMITIVES']) idxs = np.array(self._hdf['PRIMITIVE_IDS']) bset = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'alpha': bset[:, 0], 'd': bset[:, 1], 'center': idxs[:, 0] - 1, 'L': idxs[:, 1], 'shell': idxs[:, 2] - 1 }) self.no_dup = bset if self.meta['symmetrized']: self.basis_set, atommap = deduplicate_basis_sets(bset) self.atom['set'] = self.atom['center'].map(atommap) else: self.basis_set = bset.rename(columns={'center': 'set'})
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self): if 'MO_VECTORS' not in self._hdf: return coefs = np.array(self._hdf['MO_VECTORS']) try: symm = np.array(self._hdf['DESYM_MATRIX']) print('Symmetry not supported on HDF yet.') return except KeyError: dim = np.int64(np.sqrt(coefs.shape[0])) self.momatrix = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'orbital': np.repeat(range(dim), dim), 'frame': 0, 'chi': np.tile(range(dim), dim), 'coef': coefs})
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return getattr(self, key) raise KeyError() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: import h5py except ImportError: print("You must install h5py for access to HDF5 utilities.") return if not os.path.isfile(args[0]): print('Argument is likely incorrect file path.') self._hdf = h5py.File(args[0], 'r') self.meta = {'gaussian': True, 'program': 'molcas'}
def _add_unique_tags(atom): """De-duplicates atom identifier in symmetrized calcs.""" utags = [] for tag in atom['tag']: utag = tag while utag in utags: utag = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, utag)) + \ str(int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, utag))) + 1) utags.append(utag) return utags
[docs]def parse_molcas(fp, momatrix=None, overlap=None, occvec=None, **kwargs): """ Will parse a Molcas output file. Optionally it will attempt to parse additional information obtained from the same directory from specified Orb files or the AO overlap matrix and density matrix. If density keyword is specified, the momatrix keyword is ignored. Args: fp (str): Path to output file momatrix (str): file name of the C matrix of interest overlap (str): file name of the overlap matrix occvec (str): an occupation vector Returns: parsed (Editor): contains many attributes similar to the exatomic universe """ uni = Output(fp, **kwargs) adir = os.sep.join(fp.split(os.sep)[:-1]) if momatrix is not None: fp = os.sep.join([adir, momatrix]) if os.path.isfile(fp): orb = Orb(fp) uni.momatrix = orb.momatrix uni.occupation_vector = orb.occupation_vector occvec = occvec if occvec is not None else orb.occupation_vector d = DensityMatrix.from_momatrix(orb.momatrix, occvec) uni.density = d else: print('Is {} in the same directory as {}?'.format(momatrix, fp)) if overlap is not None: fp = os.sep.join([adir, overlap]) if os.path.isfile(fp): uni.overlap = Overlap.from_file(fp) else: print('Is {} in the same directory as {}?'.format(overlap, fp)) return uni