Source code for exatomic.exa.util.units

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Unit Conversions
Values are reported with respect to the base SI unit for a given quantity.
Conversion factors can be generated using the syntax, Quantity[from, to];
see the example below.

.. code-block:: python

    from exatomic.exa.util.units import Energy
    Energy["eV"]         # Value of eV in SI units
    Energy["eV", "J"]    # Same as above
    Energy["eV", "Ha"]   # Conversion factor between eV and Ha (Hartree atomic unit)
import bz2 as _bz2
import json as _json
import os as _os
import sys as _sys
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
if not hasattr(_bz2, "open"): = _bz2.BZ2File

[docs]class Unit(object): @property def values(self): return self._values def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._values[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): k = self._values[_np.isclose(self._values, 1.0)].index[0] return self._values[k]/self._values[key] elif isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): return self._values[key[1]]/self._values[key[0]] def __init__(self, values, name): self._values = _pd.Series(values) self._name = name
def _create(): def creator(name, data): _ = data.pop("dimensions", None) _ = data.pop("aliases", None) return Unit(data, name) with, "rb") as f: dct = _json.loads("utf-8")) for name, data in dct.items(): setattr(_this, name.title(), creator(name, data)) _resource = "../../static/units.json.bz2" # HARDCODED _this = _sys.modules[__name__] # Reference to this module _path = _os.path.abspath(_os.path.join(_os.path.abspath(__file__), _resource)) if not hasattr(_this, "Energy"): _create()