Source code for exatomic.exa.util.mpl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Matplotlib Utilities
from copy import deepcopy
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
#from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

legend = {'legend.frameon': True, 'legend.facecolor': "white",
          'legend.fancybox': True, 'patch.facecolor': "white",
          'patch.edgecolor': "black"}
axis = {'axes.formatter.useoffset': False}
mpl_legend = {'legend.frameon': True, 'legend.facecolor': "white",
           'legend.edgecolor': "black"}
mpl_mathtext = {'mathtext.default': "rm"}
mpl_save = {'savefig.format': "pdf", 'savefig.bbox': "tight",
         'savefig.transparent': True, 'savefig.pad_inches': 0.1,
         'pdf.compression': 9}
mpl_rc = mpl_legend

[docs]def seaborn_set(context='poster', style='white', palette='colorblind', font_scale=1.3, font='serif', rc=deepcopy(mpl_rc)): """ Perform `seaborn.set(**kwargs)`. Additional keyword arguments are passed in using this module's `attr:mpl_rc` attribute. """ sns.set(context="poster", style="white", palette="colorblind", font_scale=1.3, font="serif", rc=mpl_rc)
def _gen_projected(nxplot, nyplot, projection, figargs): total = nxplot * nyplot fig = sns.mpl.pyplot.figure(**figargs) kwargs = {'projection': projection} axs = [fig.add_subplot(nxplot, nyplot, i, **kwargs) for i in range(1, total + 1)] return fig, axs def _gen_shared(nxplot, nyplot, sharex, sharey, figargs): fig, axs = sns.mpl.pyplot.subplots(nxplot, nyplot, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **figargs) axs = fig.get_axes() return fig, axs def _gen_figure(nxplot=1, nyplot=1, figargs=None, projection=None, sharex='none', joinx=False, sharey='none', joiny=False, x=None, nxlabel=None, xlabels=None, nxdecimal=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, y=None, nylabel=None, ylabels=None, nydecimal=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, z=None, nzlabel=None, zlabels=None, nzdecimal=None, zmin=None, zmax=None, r=None, nrlabel=None, rlabels=None, nrdecimal=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, t=None, ntlabel=None, tlabels=None, fontsize=20): """ Returns a figure object with as much customization as provided. """ figargs = {} if figargs is None else figargs if projection is not None: fig, axs = _gen_projected(nxplot, nyplot, projection, figargs) else: fig, axs = _gen_shared(nxplot, nyplot, sharex, sharey, figargs) adj = {} if joinx: adj.update({'hspace': 0}) if joiny: adj.update({'wspace': 0}) fig.subplots_adjust(**adj) data = {} if projection is None: data = {'x': x, 'y': y} elif projection == '3d': data = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z} elif projection == 'polar': data = {'r': r, 't': t} methods = {} for ax in axs: if 'x' in data: methods['x'] = (ax.set_xlim, ax.set_xticks, ax.set_xticklabels, nxlabel, xlabels, nxdecimal, xmin, xmax) if 'y' in data: methods['y'] = (ax.set_ylim, ax.set_yticks, ax.set_yticklabels, nylabel, ylabels, nydecimal, ymin, ymax) if 'z' in data: methods['z'] = (ax.set_zlim, ax.set_zticks, ax.set_zticklabels, nzlabel, zlabels, nzdecimal, zmin, zmax) if 'r' in data: methods['r'] = (ax.set_rlim, ax.set_rticks, ax.set_rgrids, nrlabel, rlabels, nrdecimal, rmin, rmax) if 't' in data: methods['t'] = (ax.set_thetagrids, ntlabel, tlabels) for dim, arr in data.items(): if dim == 't': grids, nlabel, labls = methods[dim] if ntlabel is not None: theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / ntlabel) if labls is not None: grids(np.degrees(theta), labls, fontsize=fontsize) else: grids(np.degrees(theta), fontsize=fontsize) else: lim, ticks, labels, nlabel, labls, decs, mins, maxs = methods[dim] if arr is not None: amin = mins if mins is not None else arr.min() amax = maxs if maxs is not None else arr.max() lim((amin, amax)) elif mins is not None and maxs is not None: if nlabel is not None: ticks(np.linspace(amin, amax, nlabel)) if decs is not None: sub = "{{:.{}f}}".format(decs).format labels([sub(i) for i in np.linspace(amin, amax, nlabel)]) if labls is not None: labels(labls) ax.tick_params(axis=dim, labelsize=fontsize) return fig def _plot_surface(x, y, z, nxlabel, nylabel, nzlabel, method, figargs, axargs): fig = _gen_figure(x=x, y=y, z=z, nxlabel=nxlabel, nylabel=nylabel, nzlabel=nzlabel, figargs=figargs, projection='3d') ax = fig.get_axes()[0] convenience = {'wireframe': ax.plot_wireframe, 'contour': ax.contour, 'contourf': ax.contourf, 'trisurf': ax.plot_trisurf, 'scatter': ax.scatter, 'line': ax.plot} if method not in convenience.keys(): raise Exception('Method must be in {}.'.format(convenience.keys())) sx, sy = np.meshgrid(x, y) if method in ['trisurf', 'scatter', 'line']: if method == 'line': axargs = {key: val for key, val in axargs.items() if key != 'cmap'} convenience[method](sx.flatten(), sy.flatten(), z.flatten(), **axargs) else: convenience[method](sx, sy, z, **axargs) return fig def _plot_contour(x, y, z, vmin, vmax, cbarlabel, ncbarlabel, ncbardecimal, nxlabel, nylabel, method, colorbar, figargs, axargs): fig = _gen_figure(x=x, y=y, nxlabel=nxlabel, nylabel=nylabel, figargs=figargs) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] convenience = {'contour': ax.contour, 'contourf': ax.contourf, 'pcolormesh': ax.pcolormesh, 'pcolor': ax.pcolor} if method not in convenience.keys(): raise Exception('method must be in {}'.format(convenience.keys())) t = convenience[method](x, y, z, **axargs) cbar = fig.colorbar(t) if colorbar else None if cbar is not None and cbarlabel is not None: cbar.set_label(cbarlabel) if cbar is not None and ncbarlabel is not None: newticks = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, ncbarlabel) cbar.set_ticks(newticks) if ncbardecimal is not None: fmt = '{{:.{}f}}'.format(ncbardecimal).format cbar.set_ticklabels([fmt(i) for i in newticks]) return fig, cbar