Source code for exatomic.core.two

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Atomic Two Body
This module provides functions for computing two body properties. A body can be,
for example, an atom (such that two body properties correspond to inter-atomic
distances - bonds), or a molecule (such that two body properties correspond to
distances between molecule centers of mass). The following table provides a
guide for the types of data found in two body tables provided by this module
(specifically for atom two body properties).

| Column            | Type     | Description                                 |
| atom0             | integer  | foreign key to :class:`~exatomic.atom.Atom` |
| atom1             | integer  | foreign key to :class:`~exatomic.atom.Atom` |
| distance          | float    | distance between atom0 and atom1            |
| bond              | boolean  | True if bond                                |
| frame             | category | non-unique integer (req.)                   |
| symbols           | category | concatenated atomic symbols                 |
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress
from exatomic.exa import DataFrame
#from exatomic.exa.util.units import Length
from exatomic.base import sym2radius
from exatomic.algorithms.distance import (pdist_ortho, pdist_ortho_nv, pdist,

[docs]class AtomTwo(DataFrame): """Interatomic distances.""" _index = "two" #_cardinal = ("frame", np.int64) _columns = ["atom0", "atom1", "dr"] _categories = {'symbols': str, 'atom0': np.int64, 'atom1': np.int64} # @property # def _constructor(self): # return AtomTwo @property def bonded(self): return self[self['bond'] == True]
[docs]class MoleculeTwo(DataFrame): @property def _constructor(self): return MoleculeTwo
[docs]def compute_atom_two(universe, dmax=8.0, vector=False, bonds=True, **kwargs): """ Compute interatomic distances and determine bonds. .. code-block:: python atom_two = compute_atom_two(uni, dmax=4.0) # Max distance of interest as 4 bohr atom_two = compute_atom_two(uni, vector=True) # Return distance vector components as well as distance atom_two = compute_atom_two(uni, bonds=False) # Don't compute bonds # Compute bonds with custom covalent radii (atomic units) atom_two = compute_atom_two(unit, H=10.0, He=20.0, Li=30.0, bond_extra=100.0) Args: universe (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): Universe object with atom table dmax (float): Maximum distance of interest vector (bool): Compute distance vector (needed for angles) bonds (bool): Compute bonds (default True) kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for :func:`~exatomic.core.two._compute_bonds` """ if universe.periodic: if universe.orthorhombic and vector: atom_two = compute_pdist_ortho(universe, dmax=dmax) elif universe.orthorhombic: atom_two = compute_pdist_ortho_nv(universe, dmax=dmax) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only supports orthorhombic cells") elif vector: atom_two = compute_pdist(universe, dmax=dmax) else: atom_two = compute_pdist_nv(universe, dmax=dmax) if bonds: _compute_bonds(universe.atom, atom_two, **kwargs) return atom_two
[docs]def compute_pdist(universe, dmax=8.0): """ Compute interatomic distances for atoms in free boundary conditions. Does return distance vector. """ dxs = [] dys = [] dzs = [] drs = [] atom0s = [] atom1s = [] for _, group in universe.atom.groupby("frame"): if len(group) > 0: values = pdist(group['x'].values.astype(float), group['y'].values.astype(float), group['z'].values.astype(float), group.index.values.astype(int), dmax) dxs.append(values[0]) dys.append(values[1]) dzs.append(values[2]) drs.append(values[3]) atom0s.append(values[4]) atom1s.append(values[5]) dxs = np.concatenate(dxs) dys = np.concatenate(dys) dzs = np.concatenate(dzs) drs = np.concatenate(drs) atom0s = np.concatenate(atom0s) atom1s = np.concatenate(atom1s) return AtomTwo.from_dict({'dx': dxs, 'dy': dys, 'dz': dzs, 'dr': drs, 'atom0': atom0s, 'atom1': atom1s})
[docs]def compute_pdist_nv(universe, dmax=8.0): """ Compute interatomic distances for atoms in free boundary conditions. Does not return distance vector. """ drs = [] atom0s = [] atom1s = [] #for fdx, group in universe.atom.groupby("frame"): for _, group in universe.atom.groupby("frame"): if len(group) > 0: values = pdist_nv(group['x'].values.astype(float), group['y'].values.astype(float), group['z'].values.astype(float), group.index.values.astype(int), dmax) drs.append(values[0]) atom0s.append(values[1]) atom1s.append(values[2]) drs = np.concatenate(drs) atom0s = np.concatenate(atom0s) atom1s = np.concatenate(atom1s) return AtomTwo.from_dict({'dr': drs, 'atom0': atom0s, 'atom1': atom1s})
[docs]def compute_pdist_ortho(universe, dmax=8.0): """ Compute interatomic distances between atoms in an orthorhombic periodic cell. Args: universe (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): A universe bonds (bool): Compute bonds as well as distances bond_extra (float): Extra factor to use when determining bonds dmax (float): Maximum distance of interest rtol (float): Relative tolerance (float equivalence) atol (float): Absolute tolerance (float equivalence) radii (kwargs): Custom (covalent) radii to use when determining bonds """ if "rx" not in universe.frame.columns: universe.frame.compute_cell_magnitudes() dxs = [] dys = [] dzs = [] drs = [] atom0s = [] atom1s = [] prjs = [] atom = universe.atom[["x", "y", "z", "frame"]].copy() atom.update(universe.unit_atom) for fdx, group in atom.groupby("frame"): if len(group) > 0: a, b, c = universe.frame.loc[fdx, ["rx", "ry", "rz"]] values = pdist_ortho(group['x'].values.astype(float), group['y'].values.astype(float), group['z'].values.astype(float), a, b, c, group.index.values.astype(int), dmax) dxs.append(values[0]) dys.append(values[1]) dzs.append(values[2]) drs.append(values[3]) atom0s.append(values[4]) atom1s.append(values[5]) prjs.append(values[6]) dxs = np.concatenate(dxs) dys = np.concatenate(dys) dzs = np.concatenate(dzs) drs = np.concatenate(drs) atom0s = np.concatenate(atom0s) atom1s = np.concatenate(atom1s) prjs = np.concatenate(prjs) return AtomTwo.from_dict({'dx': dxs, 'dy': dys, 'dz': dzs, 'dr': drs, 'atom0': atom0s, 'atom1': atom1s, 'projection': prjs})
[docs]def compute_pdist_ortho_nv(universe, dmax=8.0): """ Compute interatomic distances between atoms in an orthorhombic periodic cell. Args: universe (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): A universe bonds (bool): Compute bonds as well as distances bond_extra (float): Extra factor to use when determining bonds dmax (float): Maximum distance of interest rtol (float): Relative tolerance (float equivalence) atol (float): Absolute tolerance (float equivalence) radii (kwargs): Custom (covalent) radii to use when determining bonds """ if "rx" not in universe.frame.columns: universe.frame.compute_cell_magnitudes() drs = [] atom0s = [] atom1s = [] prjs = [] atom = universe.atom[["x", "y", "z", "frame"]].copy() atom.update(universe.unit_atom) for fdx, group in atom.groupby("frame"): if len(group) > 0: a, b, c = universe.frame.loc[fdx, ["rx", "ry", "rz"]] values = pdist_ortho_nv(group['x'].values.astype(float), group['y'].values.astype(float), group['z'].values.astype(float), a, b, c, group.index.values.astype(int), dmax) drs.append(values[0]) atom0s.append(values[1]) atom1s.append(values[2]) prjs.append(values[3]) drs = np.concatenate(drs) atom0s = np.concatenate(atom0s) atom1s = np.concatenate(atom1s) prjs = np.concatenate(prjs) return AtomTwo.from_dict({'dr': drs, 'atom0': atom0s, 'atom1': atom1s, 'projection': prjs})
def _compute_bonds(atom, atom_two, bond_extra=0.45, **radii): """ Compute bonds inplce. Args: bond_extra (float): Additional amount for determining bonds radii: Custom radii to use for computing bonds """ atom['symbol'] = atom['symbol'].astype('category') radmap = {sym: sym2radius[sym][0] for sym in atom['symbol'].cat.categories} radmap.update(radii) maxdr = (atom_two['atom0'].map(atom['symbol']).map(radmap).astype(float) + atom_two['atom1'].map(atom['symbol']).map(radmap).astype(float) + bond_extra) atom_two['bond'] = np.where(atom_two['dr'] <= maxdr, True, False) def _compute_bond_count(atom, atom_two): """ Compute bond counts inplace. """ if "bond" not in atom_two.columns: _compute_bonds(atom, atom_two) bonded = atom_two.loc[atom_two['bond'] == True, ["atom0", "atom1"]].stack() atom['bond_count'] = bonded.value_counts().sort_index()
[docs]def compute_atom_two_out_of_core(hdfname, uni, a, **kwargs): """ Perform an out of core periodic two body calculation for a simple cubic unit cell with dimension a. All data will be saved to and HDF5 file with the given filename. Key structure is per frame, i.e. ``frame_fdx/atom_two``. Args: hdfname (str): HDF file name uni (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): Universe a (float): Simple cubic unit cell dimension kwargs: Keyword arguments for bond computation (i.e. covalent radii) See Also: :func:`~exatomic.core.two._compute_bonds` """ store = pd.HDFStore(hdfname, mode="a") unit_atom = uni.atom[['symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'frame']].copy() unit_atom['symbol'] = unit_atom['symbol'].astype(str) unit_atom['frame'] = unit_atom['frame'].astype(int) unit_atom.update(uni.unit_atom) grps = unit_atom.groupby("frame") n = len(grps) fp = FloatProgress(description="AtomTwo to HDF:") display(fp) for i, (fdx, atom) in enumerate(grps): v = pdist_ortho(atom['x'].values, atom['y'].values, atom['z'].values, a, a, a, atom.index.values, a) tdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'frame': np.array([fdx]*len(v[0]), dtype=int), 'dx': v[0], 'dy': v[1], 'dz': v[2], 'dr': v[3], 'atom0': v[4], 'atom1': v[5], 'projection': v[6]}) _compute_bonds(uni.atom[uni.atom['frame'] == fdx], tdf, **kwargs) store.put("frame_"+str(fdx) + "/atom_two", tdf) fp.value = i/n*100 store.close() fp.close()
[docs]def compute_molecule_two(universe): raise NotImplementedError()