Source code for exatomic.core.orbital

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Orbital DataFrame
Orbital information. All of the dataframe structures and functions associated
with the results of a quantum chemical calculation. The Orbital table itself
summarizes information such as centers and energies. The Excitation table
collects information about orbital excitations from time-dependent calculations.
The convolve() bound method can be used to generate photoelectron spectroscopy
and absorbance spectra.

The MOMatrix table contains a C matrix as it is presented in quantum textbooks,
stored in a columnar format. The bound method square() returns the
matrix as one would write it out. This table should have dimensions
N_basis_functions * N_basis_functions. The DensityMatrix table stores
a triangular matrix in columnar format and contains a similar square()
method to return the matrix as we see it on a piece of paper.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from exatomic.exa import DataFrame
from exatomic.exa.util.units import Energy
from exatomic.algorithms.numerical import (density_from_momatrix,
from exatomic.core.field import AtomicField

class _Convolve(DataFrame):
    def _constructor(self):
        return _Convolve

    def _gauss(sigma, en, en0):
        return (1.0 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * \
               np.exp(-(en - en0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))

    def _lorentz(gamma, en, en0):
        return gamma / (2 * np.pi * (en - en0) ** 2 + (gamma / 2) ** 2)

    def last_frame(self):
        return self['frame'].cat.as_ordered().max()

    def last_group(self):
        return self[self.frame == self.last_frame]

    def convolve(self, func='gauss', units='eV', ewin=None, broaden=0.13,
                 padding=5, npoints=1001, group=None, frame=None, name=None,
        Compute a spectrum based on excitation energies and oscillator strengths.

            func (str): either 'gauss' or 'lorentz'
            units (str): units of resulting spectrum
            ewin (iter): (emin, emax) in same units as units (default in eV)
            broaden (float): how broad to make the peaks (FWHM, default in eV)
            npoints (int): "resolution" of the spectrum
            name (str): optional - name the column of returned data
            normalize (bool): set the largest value of signal equal to 1.0

            df (pd.DataFrame): contains x and y values of a spectrum
                               (signal and energy)
        frame = self.last_frame if frame is None else frame
        group = self.last_group if group is None else group
        if func not in ['gauss', 'lorentz']:
            raise NotImplementedError('Convolution must be one of "gauss" or "lorentz".')
        choices = {'gauss': self._gauss, 'lorentz': self._lorentz}
        if units == 'Ha': units = 'energy'
        if units not in self.columns:
            self[units] = self['energy'] * Energy['Ha', units]
        sm = self[units].min() if ewin is None else ewin[0]
        lg = self[units].max() if ewin is None else ewin[1]
        mine = sm - padding * broaden
        maxe = lg + padding * broaden
        enrg = np.linspace(mine, maxe, npoints)
        spec = np.zeros(npoints)
        if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Excitation':
            smdf = self[(self[units] > sm) & (self[units] < lg) &
                        (self['frame'] == frame) & self['group'] == group]
            for osc, en0 in zip(smdf['osc'], smdf[units]):
                spec += osc * choices[func](broaden, enrg, en0)
            smdf = self[(self[units] > sm) & (self[units] < lg) &
                        (self['occupation'] > 0)]
            for en0 in smdf[units]:
                spec += choices[func](broaden, enrg, en0)
        if np.isclose(spec.max(), 0):
            print('Spectrum is all zeros, check energy window.')
            if normalize:
                spec /= spec.max()
        name = 'signal' if name is None else name
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({units: enrg, name: spec})

[docs]class Orbital(_Convolve): """ +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | frame | category | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | group | category | like frame but for same geometry | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | orbital | int | vector of MO coefficient matrix | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | label | int | label of orbital | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | occupation | float | population of orbital | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | energy | float | eigenvalue of orbital eigenvector | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | symmetry | str | symmetry designation (if applicable) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | x | float | orbital center in x | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | y | float | orbital center in y | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | z | float | orbital center in z | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ Note: Spin zero means alpha spin or unknown and spin one means beta spin. """ _columns = ['frame', 'group', 'energy', 'occupation', 'vector', 'spin'] _index = 'orbital' _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _categories = {'spin': np.int64, 'frame': np.int64, 'group': np.int64} #@property #def _constructor(self): # return Orbital
[docs] def get_orbital(self, orb=-1, spin=0, orbocc='occupation', index=None, group=None, frame=None): """ Returns a specific orbital. Args: orb (int): See note below (default HOMO) spin (int): 0, no spin or alpha (default); 1, beta index (int): Orbital dataframe index (default None) frame (int): The frame of the universe (default max(frame)) group (int): The group of orbitals within a given frame orbocc (str): column of occupations (default 'occupation') Returns: slc (pd.Series): row of the Orbital table Note: If the index is not known (usually), but a criterion such as (HOMO or LUMO) is desired, use the *orb* and *spin* criteria. Negative *orb* values are occupied, positive are unoccupied. So -1 returns the HOMO, -2 returns the HOMO-1; 0 returns the LUMO, 1 returns the LUMO+1, etc. """ frame = self.last_frame if frame is None else frame group = self.last_group if group is None else group if index is None: if orb > -1: return self[(self['frame'] == frame) & (self['group'] == group) & (self[orbocc] == 0) & (self['spin'] == spin)].iloc[orb] else: return self[(self['frame'] == frame) & (self['group'] == group) & (self[orbocc] > 0) & (self['spin'] == spin)].iloc[orb] else: return self.iloc[index]
[docs] def active_orbitals(self, orbocc='occupation', maxocc=1.985, minocc=0.015, irrep=None): """ Returns a slice of the orbital table containing so-called active orbitals (defined here as orbitals with occupations between minocc and maxocc). Args: orbocc (str): column name of occupation numbers in uni.orbital maxocc (float): maximum occupation to be considered active minocc (float): minimum occupation to be considered active irrep (int): irreducible representation Returns: slc (pd.DataFrame): active orbitals in the Orbital table """ if irrep is not None: return self[(self[orbocc] < maxocc) & (self[orbocc] > minocc) & (self['irrep'] == irrep)] return self[(self[orbocc] < maxocc) & (self[orbocc] > minocc)]
[docs] @classmethod def from_energies(cls, energies, alphae, betae, os=False): """ Convenience method to generate the Orbital table from an array of orbital energies and the number of alpha and beta electrons. Args: energies (np.ndarray): orbital energies alphae (int): number of alpha electrons betae (int): number of beta electrons os (bool): open shell Returns: orb (~:class:`exatomic.core.orbital.Orbital`): the Orbital table """ try: ae, be = int(alphae), int(betae) except: raise NotImplementedError('Only integer occupation. ' 'Low hanging fruit to implement.') nmos = energies.shape[0] if not os else energies.shape[0] // 2 nmos = energies.shape[0] // 2 if os: nmos = energies.shape[0] // 2 spin = np.concatenate((np.zeros(nmos), np.ones(nmos))) vector = np.concatenate((range(nmos), range(nmos))) occs = np.concatenate((np.ones(ae), np.zeros(nmos - ae), np.ones(be), np.zeros(nmos - be))) frame = group = np.zeros(nmos * 2, dtype=np.int64) else: nmos = energies.shape[0] spin = np.zeros(nmos, dtype=np.int64) vector = range(nmos) occs = np.concatenate((np.repeat(2, ae), np.zeros(nmos - ae))) frame = group = np.zeros(nmos, dtype=np.int64) return cls.from_dict({'frame': frame, 'group': group, 'energy': energies, 'spin': spin, 'occupation': occs, 'vector': vector})
[docs] @classmethod def from_occupation_vector(cls, occvec, os=False): """ Convenience method to generate the Orbital table from an array of occupation numbers. Args: energies (np.ndarray): orbital energies os (bool): open shell Returns: orb (~:class:`exatomic.core.orbital.Orbital`): the Orbital table """ if not os: return cls.from_dict({'frame': 0, 'group': 0, 'energy': 0, 'spin': 0, 'occupation': occvec, 'vector': range(len(occvec))}) else: raise NotImplementedError('Implement open shell lazy')
[docs]class Excitation(_Convolve): """ +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | energy | float | excitation energy in Ha | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | irrep | str | irreducible representation of excitation | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | osc | float | oscillator strength (length repr.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | occ | int | occupied orbital of excitation | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | virt | int | virtual orbital of excitation | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | occsym | str | occupied orbital symmetry | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | virtsym | str | virtual orbital symmetry | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | frame | int | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | group | int | like frame but for same geometry | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ """ _columns = ['energy', 'osc', 'frame', 'group'] _index = 'excitation' _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _categories = {'frame': np.int64, 'group': np.int64} #@property #def _constructor(self): # return Excitation
[docs] @classmethod def from_universe(cls, uni, initial=None, final=None, spin=0): """ Generate the zeroth order approximation to excitation energies via the transition dipole method (provided a universe contains an MOMatrix and dipole moment integrals already). """ if not hasattr(uni, 'multipole'): print('Universe must have dipole integrals.') return dim = len(uni.basis_set_order.index) fix = (np.ones((dim, dim)) - np.eye(dim, dim) / 2) rx = ((uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix1').fillna(0.0) + uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix1').T.fillna(0.0)) * fix).values ry = ((uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix2').fillna(0.0) + uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix2').T.fillna(0.0)) * fix).values rz = ((uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix3').fillna(0.0) + uni.multipole.pivot('chi0', 'chi1', 'ix3').T.fillna(0.0)) * fix).values mo = uni.momatrix.square().values ens = pd.concat([uni.orbital[uni.orbital.spin == spin].energy] * dim, axis=1).values tdm = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'energy': pd.DataFrame(ens.T - ens).stack(), 'mux': pd.DataFrame(,, mo))).stack(), 'muy': pd.DataFrame(,, mo))).stack(), 'muz': pd.DataFrame(,, mo))).stack()}) tdm['osc'] = tdm['energy'] ** 3 * (tdm['mux'] + tdm['muy'] + tdm['muz']) ** 2 tdm['frame'] = tdm['group'] = 0 tdm.index.rename(['occ', 'virt'], inplace=True) return cls(tdm.reset_index())
[docs]class MOMatrix(DataFrame): """ The MOMatrix is the result of solving a quantum mechanical eigenvalue problem in a finite basis set. Individual columns are eigenfunctions of the Fock matrix with eigenvalues corresponding to orbital energies. .. math:: C^{*}SC = 1 +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | chi | int | row of MO coefficient matrix | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | orbital | int | vector of MO coefficient matrix | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | coef | float | weight of basis_function in MO | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | frame | category | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ """ # TODO :: add an irrep column for groupby? #_traits = ['orbital'] _columns = ['chi', 'orbital'] _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _index = 'index' #@property #def _constructor(self): # return MOMatrix
[docs] def contributions(self, orbital, mocoefs='coef', tol=0.01, frame=0): """ Returns a slice containing all non-negligible basis function contributions to a specific orbital. Args orbital (int): orbital index """ tmp = self[self['frame'] == frame].groupby('orbital').get_group(orbital) return tmp[np.abs(tmp[mocoefs]) > tol]
[docs] def square(self, frame=0, column='coef', mocoefs=None, irrep=None): """ Returns a square dataframe corresponding to the canonical C matrix representation. """ if mocoefs is None: mocoefs = column if 'irrep' in self.columns: if irrep is None: irreps, i, j = self.groupby('irrep'), 0, 0 norb = (irreps.orbital.max() + 1).sum() nchi = (irreps.chi.max() + 1).sum() cmat = np.zeros((nchi, norb)) for irrep, grp in irreps: piv = grp.pivot('chi', 'orbital', mocoefs) ii, jj = piv.shape cmat[i : i + ii, j : j + jj] = piv.values i += ii j += jj return pd.DataFrame(cmat, index=pd.Index(range(nchi), name='chi'), columns=pd.Index(range(norb), name='orbital')) return self.groupby('irrep').get_group(irrep ).pivot_table(index='chi', columns='orbital', values=mocoefs) return self.pivot_table(index='chi', columns='orbital', values=mocoefs)
[docs]class DensityMatrix(DataFrame): """ The density matrix in a contracted basis set. As it is square symmetric, only n_basis_functions * (n_basis_functions + 1) / 2 rows are stored. +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | chi0 | int | first index in matrix | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | chi1 | int | second index in matrix | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | coef | float | overlap matrix element | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | frame | category | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ """ _columns = ['chi0', 'chi1', 'coef'] _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _index = 'index' #@property #def _constructor(self): # return DensityMatrix
[docs] def square(self, frame=0): """Returns a square dataframe of the density matrix.""" denvec = self[self['frame'] == frame]['coef'].values square = pd.DataFrame(density_as_square(denvec)) = 'chi0' = 'chi1' return square
[docs] @classmethod def from_momatrix(cls, momatrix, occvec, mocoefs='coef'): """ A density matrix can be constructed from an MOMatrix by: .. math:: D_{uv} = \sum_{i}^{N} C_{ui} C_{vi} n_{i} Args: momatrix (:class:`~exatomic.orbital.MOMatrix`): a C matrix occvec (:class:`~np.array` or similar): vector of len(C.shape[0]) containing the occupations of each molecular orbital. Returns: ret (:class:`~exatomic.orbital.DensityMatrix`): The density matrix """ cmat = momatrix.square(column=mocoefs).values chi0, chi1, dens, frame = density_from_momatrix(cmat, occvec) return cls.from_dict({'chi0': chi0, 'chi1': chi1, 'coef': dens, 'frame': frame})
[docs] @classmethod def from_universe(cls, uni, mocoefs, orbocc): """ The density matrix is defined as: .. math:: D_{uv} = \sum_{i}^{N} C_{ui} C_{vi} n_{i} Args: uni (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): a universe containing momatrix and orbital mocoefs (str): column name of C matrix in uni.momatrix orbocc (str): column name of occupation vector in uni.orbital Returns: ret (:class:`~exatomic.orbital.DensityMatrix`): The density matrix """ cmat = uni.momatrix.square(mocoefs=mocoefs).values occvec = uni.orbital[orbocc].values chi0, chi1, dens, frame = density_from_momatrix(cmat, occvec) return cls.from_dict({'chi0': chi0, 'chi1': chi1, 'coef': dens, 'frame': frame})