Source code for exatomic.core.atom

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Atomic Position Data
This module provides a collection of dataframes supporting nuclear positions,
forces, velocities, symbols, etc. (all data associated with atoms as points).
from numbers import Integral
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from exatomic.exa import DataFrame, Series
from exatomic.exa.util.units import Length
from exatomic.base import sym2z, sym2mass
from exatomic.algorithms.distance import modv
from exatomic.core.error import PeriodicUniverseError
from exatomic.algorithms.geometry import make_small_molecule
from exatomic import plotter

[docs]class Atom(DataFrame): """ The atom dataframe. +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | x | float | position in x (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | y | float | position in y (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | z | float | position in z (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | frame | category | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | symbol | category | element symbol (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | fx | float | force in x | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | fy | float | force in y | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | fz | float | force in z | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | vx | float | velocity in x | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | vy | float | velocity in y | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | vz | float | velocity in z | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ """ _index = 'atom' _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _categories = {'symbol': str, 'set': np.int64, 'molecule': np.int64, 'label': np.int64} _columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'symbol'] #@property #def _constructor(self): # return Atom @property def nframes(self): """Return the total number of frames in the atom table.""" return np.int64( + 1) @property def last_frame(self): """Return the last frame of the atom table.""" return self[self.frame == self.nframes - 1] @property def unique_atoms(self): """Return unique atom symbols of the last frame.""" return self.last_frame.symbol.unique() @staticmethod def _determine_center(attr, coords): """Determine the center of the molecule with respect to the given attribute data. Used for the center of nuclear charge and center of mass.""" center = 1/np.sum(attr)*np.sum(np.multiply(np.transpose(coords), attr), axis=1) center = pd.Series(center, index=['x', 'y', 'z']) return center
[docs] def center(self, idx=None, frame=None, to=None): """ Return a copy of a single frame of the atom table centered around a specific atom index. There is also the ability to center the molecule to the center of nuclear charge (NuclChrg) or center of mass (Mass). Args: idx (int): Atom index in the atom table frame (int): Frame to perform the operation on to (str): Tells the program which centering algorithm to use Returs: frame (:class:`exatomic.Universe.atom`): Atom frame """ if frame is None: frame = self.last_frame.copy() else: frame = self[self.frame == frame].copy() if to is None: if idx is None: raise TypeError("Must provide an atom to center to") center = frame.iloc[idx] elif to == 'NuclChrg': try: Z = frame['Z'].astype(int).values except KeyError: Z = frame['symbol'].map(sym2z).astype(int).values center = self._determine_center(attr=Z, coords=frame[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) elif to == 'Mass': mass = frame['symbol'].map(sym2mass).astype(int).values center = self._determine_center(attr=mass, coords=frame[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) else: raise NotImplementedError("Sorry the centering option {} is not available".format(to)) for r in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if center[r] > 0: frame[r] = frame[r] - center[r] else: frame[r] = frame[r] + np.abs(center[r]) return Atom(frame)
[docs] def rotate(self, theta, axis=None, frame=None, degrees=True): """ Return a copy of a single frame of the atom table rotated around the specified rotation axis by the specified angle. As we have the rotation axis and the rotation angle we are able to use the Rodrigues' formula to get the rotated vectors. Args: theta (float): The angle that you wish to rotate by axis (list): The axis of rotation frame (int): The frame that you wish to rotate degrees (bool): If true convert from degrees to radians Returns: frame (:class:`exatomic.Universe.atom`): Atom frame """ if axis is None: axis = [0, 0, 1] if frame is None: frame = self.last_frame.copy() else: frame = self[self.frame == frame].copy() if all(map(lambda x: x == 0., axis)) or theta == 0.: return frame # as we have the rotation axis and the angle we will rotate over # we implement the Rodrigues' rotation formula # v_rot = v*np.cos(theta) + (np.cross(k,v))*np.sin(theta) + k*(,v))*(1-np.cos(theta)) # convert units if not degrees if degrees: theta = theta*np.pi/180. # normalize rotation axis vector norm = np.linalg.norm(axis) try: axis /= norm except ZeroDivisionError: raise ZeroDivisionError("Trying to normalize axis {} by a 0 value".format(axis)) # get the coordinates coords = frame[['x', 'y', 'z']].values # generate the first term in rodrigues formula a = coords * np.cos(theta) # generate second term in rodrigures formula # this creates a matrix of size coords.shape[0] b = np.cross(axis, coords) * np.sin(theta) # generate the last term in rodrigues formula # we use np.outer to make a dyadic productof the result from the dot product vector # and the axis vector c = np.outer(, axis), axis) * (1-np.cos(theta)) rotated = a + b + c frame[['x', 'y', 'z']] = rotated return Atom(frame)
[docs] def translate(self, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, vector=None, frame=None, units='au'): """ Return a copy of a single frame of the atom table translated by some specified distance. Note: Vector can be used instead of dx, dy, dz as it will be decomposed into those components. If vector and any of the others are specified the values in vector will be used. Args: dx (float): Displacement distance in x dy (float): Displacement distance in y dz (float): Displacement distance in z vector (list): Displacement vector units (str): Units that are used for the displacement Returns: frame (:class:`exatomic.Universe.atom`): Atom frame """ if frame is None: frame = self.last_frame.copy() else: frame = self[self.frame == frame].copy() # check if vector is specified if vector is not None: # convert vector units to au vector = [i * Length[units, 'au'] for i in vector] dx = vector[0] dy = vector[1] dz = vector[2] # add the values to each respective coordinate frame['x'] += dx frame['y'] += dy frame['z'] += dz return Atom(frame)
[docs] def align_to_axis(self, adx0, adx1, axis=None, frame=None, center_to=None): ''' This a short method to center and align the molecule along some defined axis. Args: adx0 (int): Atom to place at the origin adx1 (int): Atom to align along the axis axis (list): Axis that the vector adx0-adx1 will align to frame (int): Frame to align Returns: aligned (:class:`exatomic.Universe.atom`): Aligned atom frame ''' if frame is None: atom = self.last_frame.copy() else: atom = self[self.frame == frame].copy() cols = ['x', 'y', 'z'] # define the original vector v0 = atom.iloc[adx1][cols].values.astype(np.float64) - atom.iloc[adx0][cols].values.astype(np.float64) # get the vector to align with and normalize v1 = axis/np.linalg.norm(axis) # find the normal vector to rotate around n = np.cross(v0, v1) # find the angle to rotate the vector theta = np.arccos(, v1) / (np.linalg.norm(v0)*np.linalg.norm(v1))) # use the center method to center the molecule centered = Atom(atom).center(adx0, frame=frame, to=center_to) # rotate the molecule around the normal vector aligned = centered.rotate(theta=theta, axis=n, degrees=False) return Atom(aligned)
[docs] def to_xyz(self, tag='symbol', header=False, comments='', columns=None, frame=None, units='Angstrom'): """ Return atomic data in XYZ format, by default without the first 2 lines. If multiple frames are specified, return an XYZ trajectory format. If frame is not specified, by default returns the last frame in the table. Args: tag (str): column name to use in place of 'symbol' header (bool): if True, return the first 2 lines of XYZ format comment (str, list): comment(s) to put in the comment line frame (int, iter): frame or frames to return units (str): units (default angstroms) Returns: ret (str): XYZ formatted atomic data """ # TODO :: this is conceptually a duplicate of XYZ.from_universe columns = (tag, 'x', 'y', 'z') if columns is None else columns frame = self.nframes - 1 if frame is None else frame if isinstance(frame, Integral): frame = [frame] if not isinstance(comments, list): comments = [comments] if len(comments) == 1: comments = comments * len(frame) df = self[self['frame'].isin(frame)].copy() if tag not in df.columns: if tag == 'Z': stoz = sym2z() df[tag] = df['symbol'].map(stoz) df['x'] *= Length['au', units] df['y'] *= Length['au', units] df['z'] *= Length['au', units] grps = df.groupby('frame') ret = '' formatter = {tag: '{:<5}'.format} stargs = {'columns': columns, 'header': False, 'index': False, 'formatters': formatter} t = 0 for _, grp in grps: if not len(grp): continue tru = (header or comments[t] or len(frame) > 1) hdr = '\n'.join([str(len(grp)), comments[t], '']) if tru else '' ret = ''.join([ret, hdr, grp.to_string(**stargs), '\n']) t += 1 return ret
[docs] def get_element_masses(self): """Compute and return element masses from symbols.""" return self['symbol'].astype('O').map(sym2mass)
[docs] def get_atom_labels(self): """ Compute and return enumerated atoms. Returns: labels (:class:`~exatomic.exa.core.numerical.Series`): Enumerated atom labels (of type int) """ nats = self.cardinal_groupby().size().values labels = Series([i for nat in nats for i in range(nat)], dtype='category') labels.index = self.index return labels
[docs] @classmethod def from_small_molecule_data(cls, center=None, ligand=None, distance=None, geometry=None, offset=None, plane=None, axis=None, domains=None, unit='Angstrom'): ''' A minimal molecule builder for simple one-center, homogeneous ligand molecules of various general chemistry molecular geometries. If domains is not specified and geometry is ambiguous (like 'bent'), it just guesses the simplest geometry (smallest number of domains). Args center (str): atomic symbol of central atom ligand (str): atomic symbol of ligand atoms distance (float): distance between central atom and any ligand geometry (str): molecular geometry domains (int): number of electronic domains offset (np.array): 3-array of position of central atom plane (str): cartesian plane of molecule (eg. for 'square_planar') axis (str): cartesian axis of molecule (eg. for 'linear') Returns exatomic.atom.Atom: Atom table of small molecule ''' return cls(make_small_molecule(center=center, ligand=ligand, distance=distance, geometry=geometry, offset=offset, plane=plane, axis=axis, domains=domains, unit=unit))
[docs]class UnitAtom(DataFrame): """ In unit cell coordinates (sparse) for periodic systems. These coordinates are used to update the corresponding :class:`~exatomic.atom.Atom` object """ _index = 'atom' _columns = ['x', 'y', 'z'] #@property #def _constructor(self): # return UnitAtom
[docs] @classmethod def from_universe(cls, universe): if universe.periodic: if "rx" not in universe.frame.columns: universe.frame.compute_cell_magnitudes() a, b, c = universe.frame[["rx", "ry", "rz"]].max().values x = modv(universe.atom['x'].values, a) y = modv(universe.atom['y'].values, b) z = modv(universe.atom['z'].values, c) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}) df.index = universe.atom.index return cls(df[universe.atom[['x', 'y', 'z']] != df]) raise PeriodicUniverseError()
[docs]class ProjectedAtom(DataFrame): """ Projected atom coordinates (e.g. on 3x3x3 supercell). These coordinates are typically associated with their corresponding indices in another dataframe. Note: This table is computed when periodic two body properties are computed; it doesn't have meaning outside of that context. See Also: :func:`~exatomic.two.compute_periodic_two`. """ _index = 'two' _columns = ['x', 'y', 'z']
#@property #def _constructor(self): # return ProjectedAtom
[docs]class VisualAtom(DataFrame): """ """ _index = 'atom' _columns = ['x', 'y', 'z']
[docs] @classmethod def from_universe(cls, universe): """ """ if universe.frame.is_periodic(): atom = universe.atom[['x', 'y', 'z']].copy() atom.update(universe.unit_atom) bonded = universe.atom_two.loc[universe.atom_two['bond'] == True, 'atom1'].astype(np.int64) prjd = universe.projected_atom.loc[bonded.index].to_dense() prjd['atom'] = bonded prjd.drop_duplicates('atom', inplace=True) prjd.set_index('atom', inplace=True) atom.update(prjd) return cls(atom[atom != universe.atom[['x', 'y', 'z']]]) raise PeriodicUniverseError()
#@property #def _constructor(self): # return VisualAtom
[docs]class Frequency(DataFrame): """ The Frequency dataframe. +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | Column | Type | Description | +===================+==========+===========================================+ | frame | category | non-unique integer (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | frequency | float | frequency of oscillation (cm-1) (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | freqdx | int | index of frequency of oscillation (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | dx | float | atomic displacement in x direction (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | dy | float | atomic displacement in y direction (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | dz | float | atomic displacement in z direction (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | ir_int | float | ir intensity of the vibrational mode | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | symbol | str | atomic symbol (req.) | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ | label | int | atomic identifier | +-------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+ """ _index = 'frequency' _cardinal = ('frame', np.int64) _categories = {'symbol': str, 'label': np.int64} _columns = ['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'symbol', 'frequency', 'freqdx', 'ir_int'] #@property #def _constructor(self): # return Frequency
[docs] def displacement(self, freqdx): return self[self['freqdx'] == freqdx][['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'symbol']]
[docs] def ir_spectra(self, fwhm=15, lineshape='gaussian', xrange=None, res=None, invert_x=False, **kwargs): ''' Generate an IR spectra with the plotter classes. We can define a gaussian or lorentzian lineshape functions. For the most part we pass all of the kwargs directly into the plotter.Plot class. Args: fwhm (float): Full-width at half-maximum lineshape (str): Switch between the different lineshape functions available xrange (list): X-bounds for the plot res (float): Resolution for the plot line invert_x (bool): Invert x-axis ''' # define the lineshape and store the function call in the line variable try: line = getattr(plotter, lineshape) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("Sorry we have not yet implemented the lineshape {}.".format(lineshape)) # define a default parameter for the plot width # we did this for a full-screen jupyter notebook on a 1920x1080 monitor if not "plot_width" in kwargs: kwargs.update(plot_width=900) # define xbounds xrange = [0, 4000] if xrange is None else xrange # deal with inverted bounds if xrange[0] > xrange[1]: xrange = sorted(xrange) invert_x = True # define the resolution res = fwhm/50 if res is None else res # define the class plot = plotter.Plot(**kwargs) # this is designed for a single frame if self['frame'].unique().shape[0] != 1: raise NotImplementedError("We have not yet expanded to include multiple frames") # grab the locations of the peaks between the bounds freqdx = self['freqdx'].drop_duplicates().index freq = self.loc[freqdx, 'frequency'] freq = freq[freq.between(*xrange)] # grab the ir intensity data # we use the frequency indexes instead of drop duplicates as we may have similar intensities inten = self.loc[freq.index, 'ir_int'].astype(np.float64).values # change to using the values instead as we no longer need the index data # we could also use jit for the lineshape functions as we only deal with numpy arrays freq = freq.values x_data = np.arange(*xrange, res) # get the y data by calling the lineshape function generator y_data = line(freq=freq, x=x_data, fwhm=fwhm, inten=inten) # plot the lineshape data plot.fig.line(x_data, y_data) # plot the points on the plot to show were the frequency values are # more useful when we have nearly degenerate vibrations plot.fig.scatter(freq, line(freq=freq, x=freq, fwhm=fwhm, inten=inten)) if invert_x: plot.set_xrange(xmin=xrange[1], xmax=xrange[0]) else: plot.set_xrange(xmin=xrange[0], xmax=xrange[1]) # display the figure with our generated method
[docs]def add_vibrational_mode(uni, freqdx): displacements = uni.frequency.displacements(freqdx) if not all(displacements['symbol'] == uni.atom['symbol']): print('Mismatch in ordering of atoms and frequencies.') return displaced = [] frames = [] # Should these only be absolute values? factor = np.abs(np.sin(np.linspace(-4*np.pi, 4*np.pi, 200))) for fac in factor: moved = uni.atom.copy() moved['x'] += displacements['dx'].values * fac moved['y'] += displacements['dy'].values * fac moved['z'] += displacements['dz'].values * fac displaced.append(moved) frames.append(uni.frame) movie = pd.concat(displaced).reset_index() movie['frame'] = np.repeat(range(len(factor)), len(uni.atom)) uni.frame = pd.concat(frames).reset_index() uni.atom = movie