Source code for exatomic.algorithms.orbital_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Molecular Orbital Utilities
Molecular orbitals are constructed symbolically
then evaluated on a numerical grid.
These are their stories.
from __future__ import division
import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import jit
from numexpr import evaluate
from IPython.display import display
from ipywidgets import FloatProgress
from exatomic.core.field import AtomicField
from exatomic.base import nbpll

[docs]def compare_fields(uni0, uni1, rtol=5e-5, atol=1e-12, signed=True, verbose=True): """Compare field values of differenct universes. It is expected that fields are in the same order. Args: uni0 (:class:`exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): first universe uni1 (:class:`exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): second universe rtol (float): relative tolerance passed to numpy.isclose atol (float): absolute tolerance passed to numpy.isclose signed (bool): opposite signs are counted as different (default True) verbose (bool): print how close the fields are to each other numerically (default True) Returns: fracs (list): list of fractions measuring closeness of fields """ fracs, kws = [], {'rtol': rtol, 'atol': atol} for i, (f0, f1) in enumerate(zip(uni0.field.field_values, uni1.field.field_values)): n = np.isclose(f0, f1, **kws).sum() if not signed: n = max(n, np.isclose(f0, -f1, **kws).sum()) fracs.append(n / f0.shape[0]) if verbose: fmt = '{{:<{}}}:{{:>9}}'.format(len(str(len(fracs))) + 1) print(fmt.format(len(fracs), 'Fraction')) fmt = fmt.replace('9', '9.5f') for i, f in enumerate(fracs): print(fmt.format(i, f)) return fracs
[docs]def numerical_grid_from_field_params(fps): """Construct numerical grid arrays from field parameters. Args: fps (pd.Series): See :meth:`exatomic.algorithms.orbital_util.make_fps` Returns: grid (tup): (xs, ys, zs) 1D-arrays """ if isinstance(fps, pd.DataFrame): fps = fps.loc[0] ox, nx, dx = fps.ox, int(fps.nx), fps.dxi oy, ny, dy = fps.oy, int(fps.ny), fps.dyj oz, nz, dz = fps.oz, int(, fps.dzk mx = ox + (nx - 1) * dx my = oy + (ny - 1) * dy mz = oz + (nz - 1) * dz x = np.linspace(ox, mx, nx) y = np.linspace(oy, my, ny) z = np.linspace(oz, mz, nz) return _meshgrid3d(x, y, z)
[docs]def make_fps(rmin=None, rmax=None, nr=None, nrfps=1, xmin=None, xmax=None, nx=None, frame=0, ymin=None, ymax=None, ny=None, field_type=0, zmin=None, zmax=None, nz=None, label=0, ox=None, fx=None, dxi=None, dxj=None, dxk=None, oy=None, fy=None, dyi=None, dyj=None, dyk=None, oz=None, fz=None, dzi=None, dzj=None, dzk=None, fps=None, dv=None): """ Generate the necessary field parameters of a numerical grid field as an exatomic.field.AtomicField. Args: nrfps (int): number of field parameters with same dimensions rmin (float): minimum value in an arbitrary cartesian direction rmax (float): maximum value in an arbitrary cartesian direction nr (int): number of grid points between rmin and rmax xmin (float): minimum in x direction (optional) xmax (float): maximum in x direction (optional) ymin (float): minimum in y direction (optional) ymax (float): maximum in y direction (optional) zmin (float): minimum in z direction (optional) zmax (float): maximum in z direction (optional) nx (int): steps in x direction (optional) ny (int): steps in y direction (optional) nz (int): steps in z direction (optional) ox (float): origin in x direction (optional) oy (float): origin in y direction (optional) oz (float): origin in z direction (optional) dxi (float): x-component of x-vector specifying a voxel dxj (float): y-component of x-vector specifying a voxel dxk (float): z-component of x-vector specifying a voxel dyi (float): x-component of y-vector specifying a voxel dyj (float): y-component of y-vector specifying a voxel dyk (float): z-component of y-vector specifying a voxel dzi (float): x-component of z-vector specifying a voxel dzj (float): y-component of z-vector specifying a voxel dzk (float): z-component of z-vector specifying a voxel label (str): an identifier passed to the widget (optional) field_type (str): alternative identifier (optional) Returns: fps (pd.Series): field parameters """ if fps is not None: return pd.concat([fps.loc[0]] * nrfps, axis=1).T if any((par is None for par in [rmin, rmax, nr])): if all((par is not None for par in (xmin, xmax, nx, ymin, ymax, ny, zmin, zmax, nz))): pass elif all((par is None for par in (ox, dxi, dxj, dxk))): raise Exception("Must supply at least rmin, rmax, nr or field" " parameters as specified by a cube file.") d = {} allcarts = [['x', 0, xmin, xmax, nx, ox, (dxi, dxj, dxk)], ['y', 1, ymin, ymax, ny, oy, (dyi, dyj, dyk)], ['z', 2, zmin, zmax, nz, oz, (dzi, dzj, dzk)]] for akey, aidx, amin, amax, na, oa, da in allcarts: if oa is None: amin = rmin if amin is None else amin amax = rmax if amax is None else amax na = nr if na is None else na else: amin = oa dw = [0, 0, 0] if all(i is None for i in da): dw[aidx] = (amax - amin) / na else: dw = da d[akey] = [amin, na, dw] fp = pd.Series({ 'dxi': d['x'][2][0], 'dyj': d['y'][2][1], 'dzk': d['z'][2][2], 'dxj': d['x'][2][1], 'dyk': d['y'][2][2], 'dzi': d['z'][2][0], 'dxk': d['x'][2][2], 'dyi': d['y'][2][0], 'dzj': d['z'][2][1], 'ox': d['x'][0], 'oy': d['y'][0], 'oz': d['z'][0], 'frame': frame, 'nx': d['x'][1], 'ny': d['y'][1], 'nz': d['z'][1], 'label': label, 'field_type': field_type }) return pd.concat([fp] * nrfps, axis=1).T
def _make_field(flds, fps): """Return an AtomicField from field arrays and parameters.""" try: nvec = flds.shape[0] if len(fps.index) == nvec: fps.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return AtomicField( fps, field_values=[flds[i] for i in range(nvec)]) return AtomicField( make_fps(nrfps=nvec, fps=fps), field_values=[flds[i] for i in range(nvec)]) except: return AtomicField( make_fps(nrfps=1, **fps), field_values=[flds]) def _compute_current_density(bvs, gvx, gvy, gvz, cmatr, cmati, occvec, verbose=True): """Compute the current density in each cartesian direction.""" nbas, npts = bvs.shape curx = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float64) cury = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float64) curz = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float64) cval = np.zeros(nbas, dtype=np.float64) if verbose: fp = FloatProgress(description='Computing:') display(fp) for mu in range(nbas): if verbose: fp.value = mu / nbas * 100 crmu = cmatr[mu] cimu = cmati[mu] bvmu = bvs[mu] gvxmu = gvx[mu] gvymu = gvy[mu] gvzmu = gvz[mu] for nu in range(nbas): crnu = cmatr[nu] cinu = cmati[nu] bvnu = bvs[nu] gvxnu = gvx[nu] gvynu = gvy[nu] gvznu = gvz[nu] cval = evaluate('-0.5 * (occvec * (crmu * cinu - cimu * crnu))', out=cval) csum = cval.sum() evaluate('curx + csum * (bvmu * gvxnu - gvxmu * bvnu)', out=curx) evaluate('cury + csum * (bvmu * gvynu - gvymu * bvnu)', out=cury) evaluate('curz + csum * (bvmu * gvznu - gvzmu * bvnu)', out=curz) if verbose: fp.close() return curx, cury, curz def _determine_vector(uni, vector, irrep=None): """Find some orbital indices in a universe.""" if irrep is not None: # Symmetry is fun iorb = uni.orbital.groupby('irrep').get_group(irrep) if vector is not None: # Check if vectors are in irrep # Input vectors appropriately indexed by irrep if all((i in iorb.vector.values for i in vector)): return np.array(vector) # Input vectors indexed in terms of total vectors elif all((i in iorb.index.values for i in vector)): return iorb.loc[vector]['vector'].values else: raise ValueError('One or more specified vectors ' 'could not be found in uni.orbital.') else: ihomo = iorb[iorb['occupation'] < 1.98] ihomo = ihomo.vector.values[0] return np.array(range(max(0, ihomo-5), min(ihomo + 7, len(iorb.index)))) # If specified, carry on if isinstance(vector, int): return np.array([vector]) typs = (list, tuple, six.moves.range, np.ndarray) if isinstance(vector, typs): return np.array(vector) # Try to find some reasonable default norb = len(uni.basis_set_order.index) if vector is None: if norb < 10: return np.array(range(norb)) if hasattr(uni, 'orbital'): homo = uni.orbital.get_orbital().vector elif hasattr(uni.frame, 'N_e'): homo = uni.frame['N_e'].values[0] elif hasattr(uni.atom, 'Zeff'): homo = uni.atom['Zeff'].sum() // 2 elif hasattr(uni.atom, 'Z'): homo = uni.atom['Z'].sum() // 2 else: uni.atom['Z'] = uni.atom['symbol'].map(sym2z) homo = uni.atom['Z'].sum() // 2 homo = int(homo) if homo < 5: return np.array(range(0, homo + 5)) else: return np.array(range(homo - 5, homo + 7)) else: raise TypeError('Try specifying vector as a list or int') def _determine_fps(uni, fps, nvec): """Find some numerical grid parameters in a universe.""" if fps is None: if hasattr(uni, 'field'): return make_fps(nrfps=nvec, **uni.field.loc[0]) desc = uni.atom.describe(include='all') kwargs = {'xmin': desc['x']['min'] - 5, 'xmax': desc['x']['max'] + 5, 'ymin': desc['y']['min'] - 5, 'ymax': desc['y']['max'] + 5, 'zmin': desc['z']['min'] - 5, 'zmax': desc['z']['max'] + 5, 'nx': 41, 'ny': 41, 'nz': 41, 'nrfps': nvec} return make_fps(**kwargs) return make_fps(nrfps=nvec, **fps) def _check_column(uni, df, key): """Sanity checking of columns in a given dataframe in the universe. Args: uni (:class:`~exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): a universe df (str): name of dataframe attribute in the universe key (str): column name in df Returns: key (str) if key in uni.df """ if key is None: if 'momatrix' in df: key = 'coef' elif 'orbital' in df: key = 'occupation' else: raise Exception("{} not supported".format(df)) err = '"{}" not in uni.{}.columns'.format if key not in getattr(uni, df).columns: raise Exception(err(key, df)) return key @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=nbpll) def _compute_orbitals_numba(npts, bvs, vecs, cmat): """Compute orbitals from numerical basis functions.""" ovs = np.empty((len(vecs), npts), dtype=np.float64) for i, vec in enumerate(vecs): ovs[i] =[:, vec]), bvs) return ovs def _compute_orbitals_numpy(npts, bvs, vecs, cmat): """Compute orbitals from numerical basis functions.""" ovs = np.empty((len(vecs), npts), dtype=np.float64) for i, vec in enumerate(vecs): ovs[i] =[:, vec]), bvs) return ovs @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=nbpll) def _compute_density(ovs, occvec): """Sum orbitals multiplied by their occupations.""" norb, npts = ovs.shape dens = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(norb): ovs[i] *= ovs[i] dens =, ovs) return dens @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=nbpll) def _compute_orb_ang_mom(rx, ry, rz, jx, jy, jz, mxs): """Compute the orbital angular momentum in each direction and the sum.""" npts = rx.shape[0] ang_mom = np.empty((4, npts), dtype=np.float64) a0 = ry * jz - rz * jy a1 = rz * jx - rx * jz a2 = rx * jy - ry * jx ang_mom[0] = mxs[0,0] * a0 + mxs[1,0] * a1 + mxs[2,0] * a2 ang_mom[1] = mxs[0,1] * a0 + mxs[1,1] * a1 + mxs[2,1] * a2 ang_mom[2] = mxs[0,2] * a0 + mxs[1,2] * a1 + mxs[2,2] * a2 ang_mom[3] = ang_mom[0] + ang_mom[1] + ang_mom[2] return ang_mom @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=nbpll) def _meshgrid3d(x, y, z): """Compute extended mesh gridded 1D-arrays from 1D-arrays.""" tot = len(x) * len(y) * len(z) xs = np.empty(tot, dtype=np.float64) ys = np.empty(tot, dtype=np.float64) zs = np.empty(tot, dtype=np.float64) cnt = 0 for i in x: for j in y: for k in z: xs[cnt] = i ys[cnt] = j zs[cnt] = k cnt += 1 return xs, ys, zs