Source code for exatomic.algorithms.delocalization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Miscellaneous functions for computing the curvature in the energy
of a system as a function of the electron number. These functions
require results from 3 different quantum chemical calculations on
an (N-1), N, and (N+1) electron system.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from exatomic.exa.util.mpl import _gen_figure
from exatomic.exa.util.units import Energy
from exatomic import gaussian, nwchem
#from exatomic.mpl import plot_j2_surface, plot_j2_contour

sns.mpl.pyplot.rcParams.update({'text.usetex': True,
                                '': 'serif',
                                'font.serif': ['Times']})
#                                'ytick.labelsize': 24,
#                                'xtick.labelsize': 24})

[docs]def plot_energy(curv, color=None, title='', figsize=(21,5), nylabel=3, nxlabel=5, fontsize=24): """ Accepts the output of compute_curvature or combine_curvature and returns a figure with appropriate styling. """ def _deltaE(col): if == 'n': return col cat = np.linspace(col.values[0], 0, 51) an = np.linspace(0, col.values[-1], 51) return col - np.hstack([cat, an]) figargs = {'figsize': figsize} fig = _gen_figure(nxplot=1, nyplot=3, nxlabel=nxlabel, figargs=figargs, fontsize=fontsize) ax, axnone, ax1 = fig.get_axes() axnone.set_visible(False) color = sns.color_palette('cubehelix', curv.shape[1] - 1) \ if color is None else color plargs = {'x': 'n', 'color': color, 'title': title, 'legend': False} curvy = curv.apply(_deltaE) curv.plot(ax=ax, **plargs) ax.set_ylim([curv.min().min(), curv.max().max()]) ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$E (eV)', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta$N', fontsize=fontsize) curvy.plot(ax=ax1, **plargs) del curvy['n'] ax1.set_ylim([curvy.min().min(), curvy.max().max()]) ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta \Delta$E (eV)', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta$N', fontsize=fontsize) loc = [1.2, (9 - curv.shape[1]) / 25] ax.legend(*ax.get_legend_handles_labels(), loc=loc) return fig
[docs]def combine_curvature(curvs, order=None): """ Given a list of the results of compute_curvature, return a single dataframe containing all of the E(N) results. """ if order is not None: oldorder = [ for curv in curvs] reordered = [] for ordr in order: for i, old in enumerate(oldorder): if ordr.upper() == old.upper(): reordered.append(curvs[i]) else: reordered = curvs for i, curv in enumerate(reordered): if not i: continue try: reordered[i].drop('n', axis=1, inplace=True) except ValueError: pass return pd.concat(reordered, axis=1)
[docs]def compute_curvature(*args, **kwargs): """ Computes the curvature of the energy of a system as a function of the number of electrons in the system E(N). Args: args (:class:`exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): unis in ascending electron order neut (int): index of args corresponding to the zero energy system extras (bool): if True, attach the raw data to df before returning Returns: df (pd.DataFrame): The energy as a function of N """ neut = kwargs.pop('neut', None) tag = kwargs.pop('tag', '') extras = kwargs.pop('extras', True) if len(args) == 1: raise Exception("Must have at least 2 systems " "differing in electron number.") nargs = len(args) neut = nargs // 2 if neut is None else neut # Len (nargs) arrays totens, aorbs, borbs = [], [], [] # Len (nargs - 1) arrays lumos, homos, js, diffs, es, cs = [], [], [], [], [], [] for job in args: # Get the total energy of the system totens.append(job.frame['E_tot'].values[-1]) # Get the highest occupied molecular orbital of the system aorbs.append(job.orbital.get_orbital()) # Check for open shell, if not use alpha orbital data try: borbs.append(job.orbital.get_orbital(spin=1)) except IndexError: borbs.append(aorbs[-1]) # Cycle over the orbitals to find the right energies for job, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in zip(args, aorbs, aorbs[1:], borbs, borbs[1:]): # Ionization from alpha orbitals if alo.vector < ahi.vector: lumos.append(job.orbital.get_orbital( + 1).energy) homos.append( # Ionization from beta orbitals elif blo.vector < bhi.vector: lumos.append(job.orbital.get_orbital( + 1).energy) homos.append( # Well it has to be one or the other else: raise Exception("Can't find electronic relationship.") # Compute J^2 for homo, elo, ehi in zip(homos, totens, totens[1:]): diffs.append(ehi - elo) js.append(homo - diffs[-1]) j2 = sum([j ** 2 for j in js]) # Compute E(n) and curvature coefficients atv = Energy['Ha', 'eV'] n = np.linspace(0, 1, 51) # Energy adjustments so everything is relative to neut aboves = [ sum(diffs[neut:i]) for i in range(len(homos))] belows = [-sum(diffs[i:neut]) for i in range(len(homos))] adjs = belows[:neut] + aboves[neut:] # Compute energies and curvature for homo, lumo, dif, adj in zip(homos, lumos, diffs, adjs): es.append((dif*n + ((lumo - dif)*(1 - n) + (dif - homo)*n)*n*(1 - n) + adj) * atv) cs.append((np.sum((lumo - dif)*(6*n - 4) + (dif - homo)*(2 - 6*n)))/(len(n)*2) * atv) # Collect all the data into a dataframe colname = '{} (' + ','.join(['{:.2f}' for coef in cs]) + ')' args = [tag] + cs colname = colname.format(*args) start = -neut stop = nargs - neut - 1 ns = [np.linspace(lo, lo + 1, 51) for lo in range(start, stop)] data = pd.DataFrame({'n': np.concatenate(ns), colname: np.concatenate(es)}) = tag data.j2 = j2 if extras: data.curs = cs data.ens = es return data
def _dir_to_dict(adir, tuning=False): if not adir.endswith(os.sep): adir += os.sep files = {} for fl in os.listdir(adir): if os.path.isdir(adir + fl): continue if fl.startswith('.'): continue if tuning: try: comp, gam, alp, chgext = fl.split('-') func = '-'.join([gam, alp]) except ValueError: print('{} is ignored.'.format(fl)) continue else: try: comp, func, chgext = fl.split('-') except ValueError: print('{} is ignored.'.format(fl)) continue files.setdefault(func, {}) files[func][chgext.split('.')[0]] = adir + fl return files
[docs]def functional_results(adir, code='gaussian', ip=False, ea=False, labels=None, timer=True): if ip and ea: raise Exception("Can't do just ip as well as just ea.") codemap = {'gaussian': gaussian.Output, 'nwchem': nwchem.Output} if ip: keys = ['cat', 'neut'] elif ea: keys = ['neut', 'an'] else: keys = ['cat', 'neut', 'an'] curvs = [] files = _dir_to_dict(adir) comp = files[list(files.keys())[0]][keys[0]].split(os.sep)[-1].split('-')[0] for func in files: if any((key not in files[func] for key in keys)): continue if timer: print('|', end='') outs = [codemap[code](files[func][chg]) for chg in keys] tag = labels[func] if labels is not None else '' try: curvs.append(compute_curvature(*outs, tag=tag)) except Exception: print(comp, func, 'not computed') return curvs
[docs]def tuning_results(adir, code='gaussian', ip=False, ea=False, deep=False, debug=0): """ Given a directory containing output files with systematic file names, return a dataframe containing summary information about the calculations. Args: adir (str): path to the directory containing outputs ip (bool): if true only consider (N-1, N) systems ea (bool): if true only consider (N, N+1) systems deep (bool): if true must have (N-2, N-1, N, N+1, N+2) systems ext (str): output file extension Returns: data (pd.DataFrame): summarized results """ if ip and ea: raise Exception("Can't do just ip as well as just ea.") codemap = {'gaussian': gaussian.Output, 'nwchem': nwchem.Output} if ip: keys = ['cat', 'neut'] elif ea: keys = ['neut', 'an'] else: if deep: keys = ['cat2', 'cat', 'neut', 'an', 'an2'] else: keys = ['cat', 'neut', 'an'] files = _dir_to_dict(adir, tuning=True) dtype = [('gamma', 'f8'), ('alpha', 'f8'), ('j2', 'f8'), ('cat2cur', 'f8'), ('catcur', 'f8'), ('ancur', 'f8'), ('an2cur', 'f8')] together = [[fls[key] for key in keys] for func, fls in files.items()] data = np.empty((len(together),), dtype=dtype) for i, mix in enumerate(together): comp, gam, alp, _ = mix[0].split(os.sep)[-1].split('-') # _ == ion tag = '-'.join([gam, alp]) if debug: print(mix) outs = [codemap[code](m) for m in mix] try: curv = compute_curvature(*outs, tag=tag) except: print(comp, tag, 'not computed') data[i] = (gam, alp) + (np.nan,) *(len(dtype)-2) continue miss = 4 - len(curv.curs) pre = miss // 2 + miss % 2 pos = miss // 2 curs = (0,) * pre + tuple(curv.curs) + (0,) * pos data[i] = (gam, alp, curv.j2) + curs return pd.DataFrame(data)