Source code for exatomic.algorithms.basis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Basis Function Manipulation
Functions for managing and manipulating basis set data.
Many of the ordering schemes used in computational codes can be
generated programmatically with the right numerical function.
This is preferred to an explicit parsing and storage of a given
basis set ordering scheme.
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, defaultdict
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as cwr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numexpr import evaluate
    from symengine import var, exp, cos, sin, Integer, Float
except ImportError:
    from sympy import symbols as var
    from sympy import exp, cos, sin, Integer, Float
from exatomic.exa import Series
from exatomic.algorithms.overlap import _cartesian_shell_pairs, _iter_atom_shells
from exatomic.algorithms.numerical import fac, _tri_indices, _triangle, _enum_spherical

_x, _y, _z = var("_x _y _z")
_r = (_x ** 2 + _y ** 2 + _z ** 2) ** 0.5

lorder = ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'g',
          'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'm']
lmap = OrderedDict()
rlmap = OrderedDict()
spher_ml_count = OrderedDict()
cart_ml_count = OrderedDict()
spher_lml_count = OrderedDict()
cart_lml_count = OrderedDict()
enum_cartesian = OrderedDict()
for i, L in enumerate(lorder):
    lmap[L] = i
    rlmap[i] = L
    spher_ml_count[L] = 2 * i + 1
    cart_ml_count[L] = (i + 1) * (i + 2) // 2
    spher_lml_count[i] = spher_ml_count[L]
    cart_lml_count[i] = cart_ml_count[L]
    enum_cartesian[i] = []
    cnts = [Counter(c) for c in cwr('xyz', i)]
    enum_cartesian[i] = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]) if not cnts \
                        else np.array([[c[x] for x in 'xyz'] for c in cnts])
lmap.update([('px', 1), ('py', 1), ('pz', 1)])
gaussian_cartesian = enum_cartesian.copy()
gaussian_cartesian[2] = np.array([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2],
                                  [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]])

def _hermite_gaussians(lmax):
    """Symbolic hermite gaussians up to order lmax.

        lmax (int): highest order angular momentum quantum number
    order = 2 * lmax + 1
    hgs = OrderedDict()
    der = exp(-_x ** 2)
    for t in range(order):
        if t: der = der.diff(_x)
        hgs[t] = (-1) ** t * der
    return hgs

[docs]def gen_enum_cartesian(lmax): """Cartesian powers in the order expected for overlap computation up to order lmax. Args: lmax (int): highest order angular momentum quantum number """ return OrderedDict([(L, np.array([[l, L - l - n, n] for l in range(L, -1, -1) for n in range(L + 1 - l)])) for L in range(lmax + 1)])
[docs]def spherical_harmonics(lmax): """Symbolic real spherical harmonics up to order lmax. .. code-block:: python sh = spherical_harmonics(6) # Inclusive, so computes up to l = 6 sh[3][-3] # symbolic f-phi angular function Args: lmax (int): highest order angular momentum quantum number """ phase = {m: (-1) ** m for m in range(lmax + 1)} facts = {n: fac(n) for n in range(2 * lmax + 1)} sh = OrderedDict() for L in range(lmax + 1): sh[L] = OrderedDict() rac = ((2 * L + 1) / (4 * np.pi)) ** 0.5 der = (_x ** 2 - 1) ** L den = 2 ** L * facts[L] for _ in range(L): der = der.diff(_x) for m in range(L + 1): pol = (1 - _x ** 2) ** (m/2) if m: der = der.diff(_x) leg = phase[m] / den * (pol * der).subs({_x: _z / _r}) if not m: sh[L][m] = rac * leg continue N = 2 ** 0.5 * phase[m] facs = facts[L - m] / facts[L + m] norm = facs ** 0.5 phi = (m * _x).subs({_x: 'arctan2(_y, _x)'}) fun = cos(phi) sh[L][m] = N * rac * norm * leg * fun fun = sin(phi) sh[L][-m] = N * rac * norm * leg * fun return sh
[docs]def solid_harmonics(lmax, scaled=False): """Symbolic real solid harmonics up to order lmax. .. code-block:: python sh = solid_harmonics(6) # Inclusive, so computes up to l = 6 sh[3][-3] # symbolic f-phi angular function Args: lmax (int): highest order angular momentum quantum number scaled (bool): if scaled, includes factor of 1 / (2 * np.pi ** 0.5) """ def _top_sh(lp, kr, sp, sm): return ((2 ** kr * (2 * lp + 1) / (2 * lp + 2)) ** 0.5 * (_x * sp - (1 - kr) * _y * sm)) def _mid_sh(lp, m, sm, smm): return (((2 * lp + 1) * _z * sm - ((lp + m) * (lp - m)) ** 0.5 * (_x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z) * smm) / (((lp + m + 1) * (lp - m + 1)) ** 0.5)) def _bot_sh(lp, kr, sp, sm): return ((2 ** kr * (2 * lp + 1) / (2 * lp + 2)) ** 0.5 * (_y * sp + (1 - kr) * _x * sm)) sh = OrderedDict([(l, OrderedDict([])) for l in range(lmax + 1)]) sh[0][0] = Integer(1) for L in range(1, lmax + 1): lp = L - 1 kr = int(not lp) mls = list(range(-L, L + 1)) sh[L][mls[0]] = _bot_sh(lp, kr, sh[lp][lp], sh[lp][-lp]) for ml in mls[1:-1]: try: rec = sh[lp - 1][ml] except KeyError: rec = sh[lp][ml] sh[L][ml] = _mid_sh(lp, ml, sh[lp][ml], rec) sh[L][mls[-1]] = _top_sh(lp, kr, sh[lp][lp], sh[lp][-lp]) if scaled: for L in range(lmax + 1): for ml in range(-L, L + 1): sh[L][ml] /= (2 * np.pi ** 0.5) return sh
[docs]def car2sph(sh, cart, orderedp=True): """Cartesian to spherical transform matrices. .. code-block:: python sh = solid_harmonics(8) # symbolic solid harmonics cart = gen_enum_cartesian(8) # cartesian powers in a defined order c2s = car2sph(sh, cart) # dictionary of {l: transform_matrix} Args: sh (OrderedDict): symbolic solid harmonics cart (OrderedDict): cartesian powers in a defined order orderedp (bool): order l=1 as ['x', 'y', 'z'], not [-1, 0, 1] (default True) Returns: c2s (OrderedDict): cartesian to spherical transform matrices """ c2s = OrderedDict([(L, np.zeros(((L + 1) * (L + 2) // 2, 2 * L + 1))) for L in range(max(sh.keys()) + 1)]) for L, mls in sh.items(): if not L or (L == 1 and orderedp): c2s[L] = np.array(cart[L]) continue cdxs = [reduce(mul, xyz) for xyz in cwr((_x, _y, _z), L)] for ml, sym in mls.items(): mli = ml + L coefs = sym.expand().as_coefficients_dict() #for crt, coef in coefs.items(): for crt, _ in coefs.items(): if isinstance(crt, (Integer, Float)): continue idx = cdxs.index(crt) c2s[L][idx, mli] = coefs[cdxs[idx]] return c2s
[docs]def diff_expr(expr, cart='x', order=1): """Compute the nth order derivative symbolically with respect to cart. Args: expr (symbolic): sympy or symengine expression cart (str): 'x', 'y', or 'z' order (int): order of differentiation Returns: expr (symbolic): The symbolic derivative """ if cart not in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise ValueError('cart must be in "xyz".') if not isinstance(order, int) or order < 0: raise ValueError('order must be non-negative integer.') diff = expr for _ in range(order): diff = diff.diff('_'+cart) return diff
[docs]def evaluate_expr(expr, xs, ys, zs, arr=None, alpha=None): """Evaluate symbolic expression on a numerical grid. Args: expr (symbolic): sympy or symengine expression xs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of x values ys (np.ndarray): 1D-array of y values zs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of z values arr (np.ndarray): additional 1D-array to multiply expression by alpha (float): multiply expression by gaussian with exponent alpha Note: See :meth:`exatomic.algorithms.orbital_util.numerical_grid_from_field_params` for grid construction details. """ subs = {_x: 'xs', _y: 'ys', _z: 'zs'} # Multiply with an additional array (angular term) if arr is not None: return evaluate('arr * ({})'.format(str(expr.subs(subs)))) # Multiply by an exponential decay factor if alpha is not None: expr = str((expr * exp(-alpha * _r ** 2)).subs(subs)) return evaluate(expr) # Just evaluate the expression numerically return evaluate(str(expr.subs(subs)))
[docs]class BasisFunctions(object): """Composition wrapper class that leverages symbolic expressions using symengine and numexpr, using values extracted from the numerical Shell jitclasses, to evaluate basis functions on a numerical grid. Args: uni (:class:`exatomic.core.universe.Universe`): a universe with basis set frame (int): frame corresponding to basis set (default 0) cartp (bool): forces p function ordering as (x, y, z) not (-1, 0, 1) """
[docs] def integrals(self): """Compute the overlap matrix using primitive cartesian integrals.""" from exatomic.core.basis import Overlap ovl = _cartesian_shell_pairs(len(self), self._ptrs.astype(np.int64), self._xyzs, *self._shells) ovl = _triangle(ovl) chi0, chi1 = _tri_indices(ovl) return Overlap.from_dict({'chi0': chi0, 'chi1': chi1, 'frame': 0, 'coef': ovl})
[docs] def enum_shell(self, shl): """Return a generator over angular momentum degrees of freedom. Args: shl (:class:`exatomic.algorithms.numerical.Shell`): basis set shell """ return shl.enum_spherical() if shl.spherical else shl.enum_cartesian()
[docs] def evaluate(self, xs=None, ys=None, zs=None, irrep=None, verbose=False): """Evaluate basis functions on a numerical grid. Args: xs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of x values ys (np.ndarray): 1D-array of y values zs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of z values verbose (bool): print code pathway irrep (int,OrderedDict): irrep or {irrep: [vectors] for irrep in irreps} Note: Default behavior returns symbolic expressions if xs is None. See :meth:`exatomic.algorithms.orbital_util.numerical_grid_from_field_params` for grid construction details. """ if self._meta['gaussian']: if self._meta.get('symmetrized', False): func = self._evaluate_gau_bso_sym elif self._meta['program'] in ['molcas']: func = self._evaluate_gau_mag else: func = self._evaluate_gau_bso else: func = self._evaluate_sto return func(xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs, irrep=irrep)
[docs] def evaluate_diff(self, xs, ys, zs, cart='x', verbose=False): """Evaluate basis function derivatives on a numerical grid. Args: xs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of x values ys (np.ndarray): 1D-array of y values zs (np.ndarray): 1D-array of z values cart (str): derivative with respect to cart (in ['x', 'y', 'z']) verbose (bool): print code pathway Note: See :meth:`~exatomic.algorithms.orbital_util.numerical_grid_from_field_params` for grid construction details. """ if self._meta['program'] in ['nwchem']: raise NotImplementedError("Code up _evaluate_diff_gau_bso.") elif not self._meta['gaussian']: raise NotImplementedError("Verify symbolic differentiation of STOs.") if not self._meta['gaussian']: return self._evaluate_diff_sto(xs, ys, zs, cart) if not self._meta['program'] in ['molcas']: print("Should you be using this functionality?") return self._evaluate_diff_gau(xs, ys, zs, cart)
def _radial(self, x, y, z, alphas, cs, rs=None, pre=None): """Generates the symbolic radial portion of a basis function. Substitutes symbolic (_i) -> (_i - iA) for i in [x, y, z].""" if pre is not None: return sum((pre * self._expnt ** r * c * exp(-a * self._expnt) for c, a, r in zip(cs, alphas, rs)) ).subs({_x: _x - x, _y: _y - y, _z: _z - z}) return sum((c * exp(-a * self._expnt) for c, a in zip(cs, alphas)) ).subs({_x: _x - x, _y: _y - y, _z: _z - z}) def _angular(self, shl, x, y, z, *ang): """Generates the symbolic angular portion of a basis function. Substitutes symbolic (_i) -> (_i - iA) for i in [x, y, z].""" if len(ang) == 3: sym = _x ** ang[0] * _y ** ang[1] * _z ** ang[2] else: sym = self._sh[ang[0]][ang[1]] return sym.subs({_x: _x - x, _y: _y - y, _z: _z - z}) def _evaluate_gau_bso_sym(self, xs, ys, zs, irrep=None): """Evaluates a symmetrized Gaussian basis set and returns a numpy array. Currently the implementation only relies on the format most easily obtained from the Molcas basis set order format. It is possible that for other codes a different method would be preferred.""" print("Warning: symmetrized basis set evaluation is pre-alpha.") cnt = 0 # Slice the basis set order if irrep is provided bso = self._bso if irrep is None else \ self._bso.groupby('irrep').get_group(irrep) nbf = len(bso.index) if xs is not None: flds = np.empty((nbf, len(xs))) else: flds = Series([None for _ in range(nbf)]) # cache remembers how many contracted functions are used # in each instance of Shell so we can access them out of order # but since basis functions can span multiple irreps, must # outer index by irrep. cache = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))) p = pd.DataFrame(self._ptrs, columns=('center', 'shldx')) p['L'] = [self._shells[i].L for i in p['shldx']] shls = p.groupby(['center', 'L']) norms = [shl.norm_contract() for shl in self._shells] ocens = [c for col in bso.columns if col.startswith('ocen') for c in (col, col.replace('ocen', 'sign'))] for i, (cen, L, ml, irrep) in enumerate(zip(bso['center'], bso['L'], bso['ml'], bso['irrep'])): ax, ay, az = self._xyzs[cen] shldx = shls.get_group((cen, L)).shldx.values[0] ishl = self._shells[shldx] norm = norms[shldx] a = self._angular(ishl, ax, ay, az, L, ml) r = self._radial(ax, ay, az, ishl.alphas, norm[:,cache[irrep][cen][L][ml]]) oterm = None for oc, si in zip(ocens[::2], ocens[1::2]): ocen = bso[oc].iloc[i] sign = bso[si].iloc[i] if ocen >= 0: ox, oy, oz = self._xyzs[ocen] ao = self._angular(ishl, ox, oy, oz, L, ml) ro = self._radial(ox, oy, oz, ishl.alphas, norm[:,cache[irrep][cen][L][ml]]) if oterm is None: oterm = sign * (ao * ro) else: oterm += sign * (ao * ro) if oterm is not None: if xs is None: flds[cnt] = (a * r) + oterm else: flds[cnt] = evaluate_expr(a * r + oterm, xs, ys, zs) else: if xs is None: flds[cnt] = a * r else: flds[cnt] = evaluate_expr(a * r, xs, ys, zs) cache[irrep][cen][L][ml] += 1 cnt += 1 return flds def _evaluate_gau_bso(self, xs, ys, zs, irrep=None): """Evaluates a Gaussian basis set according to the order specified by the :class:`~exatomic.core.basis.BasisSetOrder` and returns a numpy array of numerical basis function values.""" cnt = 0 if xs is not None: flds = np.empty((len(self), len(xs))) else: flds = Series([None for _ in range(len(self))]) # cache remembers how many contracted functions are used # in each instance of Shell so we can access them out of order cache = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))) p = pd.DataFrame(self._ptrs, columns=('center', 'shelldx')) p['L'] = [self._shells[i].L for i in p['shelldx']] grps = p.groupby(['center', 'L']) # Just normalize each Shell once instead of on each access norms = [shl.norm_contract() for shl in self._shells] for cen, L, ml in zip(self._bso['center'], self._bso['L'], self._bso['ml']): ax, ay, az = self._xyzs[cen] shldx = grps.get_group((cen, L))['shelldx'].values[0] ishl = self._shells[shldx] norm = norms[shldx] a = self._angular(ishl, ax, ay, az, L, ml) r = self._radial(ax, ay, az, ishl.alphas, norm[:,cache[cen][L][ml]]) if xs is None: flds[cnt] = a * r else: flds[cnt] = evaluate_expr(a * r, xs, ys, zs) cache[cen][L][ml] += 1 cnt += 1 return flds def _evaluate_sto(self, xs, ys, zs, irrep=None): """Evaluates a STO basis set and returns a numpy array.""" cnt = 0 if xs is not None: flds = np.empty((len(self), len(xs))) else: flds = Series([None for _ in range(len(self))]) sphr = self._meta['spherical'] for _, ax, ay, az, ishl in _iter_atom_shells(self._ptrs, self._xyzs, *self._shells): norm = ishl.norm_contract() ang = ishl.enum_spherical() if sphr else ishl.enum_cartesian() for mag in ang: a = self._angular(ishl, ax, ay, az, *mag) if xs is not None: a = evaluate_expr(a, xs, ys, zs) for c in range(ishl.ncont): pre = 1 if self._meta['spherical'] else self._pre[cnt] r = self._radial(ax, ay, az, ishl.alphas, norm[:, c],, pre=pre) if xs is None: flds[cnt] = a * r else: flds[cnt] = evaluate_expr(r, xs, ys, zs, arr=a) cnt += 1 return flds def _evaluate_gau_mag(self, xs, ys, zs, irrep=None): """Evaluates a Gaussian basis set according to (apparently) only Molcas ordering and returns a numpy array.""" cnt = 0 if xs is not None: flds = np.empty((len(self), len(xs))) else: flds = Series([None for _ in range(len(self))]) for _, ax, ay, az, ishl in _iter_atom_shells(self._ptrs, self._xyzs, *self._shells): norm = ishl.norm_contract() for mag in self.enum_shell(ishl): a = self._angular(ishl, ax, ay, az, *mag) if xs is not None: a = evaluate_expr(a, xs, ys, zs) for c in range(ishl.ncont): r = self._radial(ax, ay, az, ishl.alphas, norm[:,c]) if xs is None: flds[cnt] = a * r else: flds[cnt] = evaluate_expr(r, xs, ys, zs, arr=a) cnt += 1 return flds def _evaluate_diff_gau(self, xs, ys, zs, cart): """Evaluates the derivatives of a full Gaussian basis set and returns a numpy array.""" cnt, flds = 0, np.empty((len(self), len(xs))) for _, ax, ay, az, ishl in _iter_atom_shells(self._ptrs, self._xyzs, *self._shells): norm = ishl.norm_contract() for mag in self.enum_shell(ishl): a = self._angular(ishl, ax, ay, az, *mag) da = evaluate_expr(diff_expr(a, cart=cart), xs, ys, zs) a = evaluate_expr(a, xs, ys, zs) for c in range(ishl.ncont): r = self._radial(ax, ay, az, ishl.alphas, norm[:, c]) dr = evaluate_expr(diff_expr(r, cart=cart), xs, ys, zs) r = evaluate_expr(r, xs, ys, zs) flds[cnt] = evaluate('da * r + a * dr') cnt += 1 return flds def __len__(self): return self._ncs if self._meta['spherical'] else self._ncc def __repr__(self): chk = (i.spherical for i in self._shells) _repr = 'BasisFunctions({},{{}})'.format(len(self)).format if all(chk): return _repr('spherical') if not any(chk): return _repr('cartesian') return _repr('mixed') def __init__(self, uni, frame=0, cartp=True): # Attach relevant uni attributes self._meta = uni.meta self._bso = uni.current_basis_set_order ptrs, xyzs, shells = uni.enumerate_shells() self._ptrs = ptrs self._xyzs = xyzs self._shells = shells self._ncc = uni.basis_dims['ncc'] self._ncs = uni.basis_dims['ncs'] # Scaled or unscaled solid harmonics lmax = uni.basis_set.lmax sh = solid_harmonics(lmax) scaled = self._meta['program'] in ['molcas'] if scaled and lmax > 2: ssh = solid_harmonics(lmax, scaled=True) for L in range(2, lmax + 1): sh[L] = ssh[L] # Re-order p functions as 'x', 'y', 'z' rather than -1, 0, 1 if cartp: ptmp = sh[1].copy() sh[1] = OrderedDict((ml, ptmp[ml]) for ml in (1, -1, 0)) self._sh = sh # Exponential dependence self._expnt = _r ** 2 if not self._meta['gaussian']: self._expnt = _r self._pre = uni.current_basis_set_order['prefac']
[docs]def compute_uncontracted_basis_set_order(uni): bso = uni.basis_set_order prims = uni.basis_set.primitives_by_shell() df = [] pcen, pL, pml = -1, -1, -1 if uni.meta['program'] == 'molcas': for cen, L, ml in zip(bso['center'], bso['L'], bso['ml']): if not all(p == c for p, c in zip((pcen, pL, pml), (cen, L, ml))): seht = uni.atom.loc[cen]['set'] nprim = prims.loc[(seht, L)] for i in range(nprim): df.append((cen, L, ml, i, 0)) pcen = cen pL = L pml = ml elif uni.meta['program'] == 'nwchem': if not uni.meta['spherical']: raise NotImplementedError('Sorry.') from exatomic.nwchem.basis import spherical_ordering_function as func prims = prims.groupby('set') for i, seht in enumerate(uni.atom['set']): shls = prims.get_group(seht) for (seht, L), nprim in shls.items(): for j in range(nprim): for ml in func(L): df.append([i, L, ml, j, 0]) cols = ('center', 'L', 'ml', 'shell', 'frame') uni.meta['uncontracted'] = True return pd.DataFrame(df, columns=cols)