Source code for exatomic.adf.output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
ADF Composite Output
This module provides the primary (user facing) output parser.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from exatomic.exa.util.units import Length
from exatomic.exa import TypedMeta, Editor as _Editor
from exatomic.base import sym2z
from exatomic.algorithms.basis import lmap, enum_cartesian
from exatomic.algorithms.numerical import dfac21
from exatomic.core.atom import Atom, Frequency
from exatomic.core.gradient import Gradient
from exatomic.core.basis import BasisSet, BasisSetOrder
from exatomic.core.orbital import Orbital, Excitation, MOMatrix
from exatomic.core.tensor import NMRShielding, JCoupling
from .editor import Editor

[docs]class OutMeta(TypedMeta): atom = Atom basis_set = BasisSet basis_set_order = BasisSetOrder orbital = Orbital contribution = pd.DataFrame excitation = Excitation momatrix = MOMatrix sphr_momatrix = MOMatrix gradient = Gradient frequency = Frequency nmr_shielding = NMRShielding j_coupling = JCoupling electric_dipole = pd.DataFrame magnetic_dipole = pd.DataFrame
[docs]class NMR(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)):
[docs] def parse_atom(self): # use the regex instead of find because we have a similar search # string in an nmr and cpl calculation for the nuclear coordinates _reatom = "(?i)NUCLEAR COORDINATES" found = self.regex(_reatom, keys_only=True) atom = [] for idx, val in enumerate(found): start = val + 3 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 # a bit of a hack to make sure that there is no formatting change # depending on the number of atoms in the molecule as the index is # right justified so if there are more than 100 atoms it will fill # the alloted space for the atom index and change the delimitter # and therefore the number of columns self[start:stop] = map(lambda x: x.replace('(', ''), self[start:stop]) df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['symbol', 'set', 'x', 'y', 'z'] df[['x', 'y', 'z']] *= [Length['Angstrom', 'au']]*3 df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frame'] = idx # remove the trailing chracters from the index df['set'] = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('):', ''), df['set'])) df['set'] = df['set'].astype(int) - 1 atom.append(df) atom = pd.concat(atom) self.atom = atom
[docs] def parse_nmr_shielding(self): ''' Parse the NMR shielding in the cartesian axis represntation. ''' # TODO: Figure out what units the pricipal axis is printed in # and add a keyword argument to parse them. _reatom = "N U C L E U S :" _reshield = "==== total shielding tensor" _renatom = "NUCLEAR COORDINATES (ANGSTROMS)" found = self.find(_reatom, keys_only=True) if not found: return ncalc = self.find(_renatom, keys_only=True) ncalc.append(len(self)) ndx = 0 dfs = [] for start in found: try: ndx = ndx if start > ncalc[ndx] and start < ncalc[ndx+1] else ndx+1 except IndexError: raise IndexError("It seems that there was an issue with " \ +"determining which NMR calculation we are in.") start_shield = self.find(_reshield, keys_only=True, start=start)[0] \ + start + 2 end_shield = start_shield + 3 symbol, index = self[start].split()[-1].split('(') index = int(index.replace(')', '')) isotropic = float(self[start_shield+4].split()[-1]) df = self.pandas_dataframe(start_shield, end_shield, ncol=3) cols = ['xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz'] df = pd.DataFrame(df.unstack().values.reshape(1,9), columns=cols) df['isotropic'] = isotropic df['atom'] = index - 1 df['symbol'] = symbol df['label'] = 'nmr shielding' df['frame'] = ndx dfs.append(df) shielding = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.nmr_shielding = shielding
[docs] def parse_j_coupling(self, cartesian=False): ''' Parse the J Coupling matrices. Args: cartesian (:obj:`bool`, optional): Parameter to parse the tensors in the Cartesian axis reprentation. Set to `False` for the pricipal axis representation. Defaults to `True`. ''' _recoupl = "total calculated spin-spin coupling:" _reatom = "Internal CPL numbering of atoms:" found = self.find(_reatom, keys_only=True) if not found: return found = self.find(_reatom, _recoupl, keys_only=True) # we grab the tensors inside the principal axis representation # for the cartesian axis representation we start the list at # 0 and grab every other instance if cartesian: start_coupl = found[_recoupl][::2] else: start_coupl = found[_recoupl][1::2] start_pert = np.array(found[_reatom]) - 3 dfs = [] # grab atoms cols = ['xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz'] for ln, start in zip(start_pert, start_coupl): line = self[ln].split() # we just replace all of the () in the strings pert_nucl = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('(', '').replace(')', ''), line[5:])) nucl = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('(', '').replace(')', ''), line[1:3])) # grab both tensors df = self.pandas_dataframe(start+2, start+5, ncol=6) # this will grab the iso value and tensor elements for the j coupling in hz df.drop(range(3), axis='columns', inplace=True) df = pd.DataFrame(df.unstack().values.reshape(1,9), columns=cols) iso = self[start+1].split()[-1] # place all of the dataframe columns df['isotropic'] = float(iso) df['atom'] = int(nucl[0]) df['symbol'] = nucl[1] df['pt_atom'] = int(pert_nucl[0]) df['pt_symbol'] = pert_nucl[1] df['label'] = 'j coupling' df['frame'] = 0 dfs.append(df) # put everything together j_coupling = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) j_coupling['atom'] -= 1 j_coupling['pt_atom'] -= 1 self.j_coupling = j_coupling
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NMR, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ADF(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): """The ADF output parser."""
[docs] def parse_atom(self): # TODO : only supports single frame, gets last atomic positions # this will actually get the very first coordinates #_re_atom_00 = 'Atoms in this Fragment Cart. coord.s (Angstrom)' _re_atom_00 = 'ATOMS' found1 = self.find(_re_atom_00, keys_only=True) # to find the optimized frames _reopt = "Coordinates (Cartesian)" found_opt = self.find(_reopt, keys_only=True) if found_opt: starts = np.array(found_opt) + 6 stop = starts[0] while '------' not in self[stop]: stop += 1 stops = starts + stop - starts[0] dfs = [] for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): # parse everything as they may be useful in the future df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=11) # drop everything df.drop(list(range(5, 11)), axis='columns', inplace=True) # we read the coordinates in bohr so no need to convrt df.columns = ['set', 'symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z'] df['set'] = df['set'].astype(int) df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frame'] = idx df['set'] -= 1 dfs.append(df) atom = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) elif found1: start = stop = found1[-1] + 4 while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 atom = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=8) atom.drop(list(range(5,8)), axis='columns', inplace=True) atom.columns = ['set', 'symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z'] for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']: atom[c] *= Length['Angstrom', 'au'] atom['Z'] = atom['symbol'].map(sym2z) atom['set'] -= 1 atom['frame'] = 0 else: raise NotImplementedError("We could not find the atom table in this output. Please submit "+ \ "an issue ticket so we can add it in.") self.atom = atom
[docs] def parse_basis_set(self): # Find the basis set _re_bas_00 = '(Slater-type) F U N C T I O N S' _re_bas_01 = 'Atom Type' start = self.find(_re_bas_00, keys_only=True)[-1] + 3 starts = self.find(_re_bas_01, start=start, keys_only=True) lines = [] for ext in starts: for i in range(4): lines.append(start + ext + i) stop = start + ext + 4 while self[stop].strip(): lines.append(stop) stop += 1 df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join([self[i] for i in lines])), widths=[4, 2, 12, 4], names=['n', 'L', 'alpha', 'symbol']) # Where atom types change idxs = [0] + df['n'][df['n'] == '---'].index.tolist() + [df.shape[0]] sets, shells = [], [] for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(idxs, idxs[1:])): sets.append(np.repeat(i - 1, stop - start)) shells.append(np.arange(-1, stop - start - 1)) df['set'] = np.concatenate(sets) df['shell'] = np.concatenate(shells) # Atom table basis set map basmap = df['symbol'].dropna() basmap = basmap[basmap.str.endswith(')')].str.strip(')') basmap = {val: df['set'][key] + 1 for key, val in basmap.to_dict().items()} # Discard the garbage drop = df['n'].str.strip().str.isnumeric().fillna(False) df.drop(drop[drop == False].index, inplace=True) df.drop('symbol', axis=1, inplace=True) # Clean up the series df['alpha'] = df['alpha'].astype(np.float64) df['n'] = df['n'].astype(np.int64) df['L'] = df['L'].str.lower().map(lmap) df['d'] = np.sqrt((2 * df['L'] + 1) / (4 * np.pi)) df['r'] = df['n'] - (df['L'] + 1) df['frame'] = 0 self.basis_set = BasisSet(df) self.meta['spherical'] = False self.atom['set'] = self.atom['symbol'].map(basmap)
[docs] def parse_basis_set_order(self): # All the columns we need data = defaultdict(list) sets = self.basis_set.groupby('set') # Iterate over atoms for center, symbol, seht in zip(self.atom.index, self.atom['symbol'], self.atom['set']): # Per basis set bas = sets.get_group(seht).groupby('L') for L, grp in bas: # Iterate over cartesians for l, m, n in enum_cartesian[L]: for shell, r in zip(grp['shell'], grp['r']): data['center'].append(center) data['symbol'].append(symbol) data['shell'].append(shell) data['seht'].append(seht) data['L'].append(L) data['l'].append(l) data['m'].append(m) data['n'].append(n) data['r'].append(r) data['set'] = data.pop('seht') data['frame'] = [0]*len(data['set']) self.basis_set_order = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) self.basis_set_order['prefac'] = (self.basis_set_order['L'].apply(dfac21) / (self.basis_set_order['l'].apply(dfac21) * self.basis_set_order['m'].apply(dfac21) * self.basis_set_order['n'].apply(dfac21)) ).apply(np.sqrt)
[docs] def parse_orbital(self): _re_orb_00 = 'Orbital Energies, both Spins' _re_orb_01 = 'Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin' found = self.find(_re_orb_00, _re_orb_01, keys_only=True) # Open shell vs. closed shell cols = { _re_orb_00: ['symmetry', 'vector', 'spin', 'occupation', 'energy', 'eV'], _re_orb_01: ['vector', 'occupation', 'energy', 'eV', 'dE']} key = _re_orb_00 if found[_re_orb_00] else _re_orb_01 ldx = found[key][-1] + 4 starts = [] stops = [] irreps = [] while self[ldx].strip() != '': # error catching for when we have a symmetry label try: _ = int(self[ldx].strip()[0]) ldx += 1 except ValueError: stops.append(ldx) irreps.append(self[ldx]) # to ensure that we do not skip over the blank line # and exdecute an infinite while loop if not (self[ldx].strip() == ''): ldx += 1 starts.append(ldx) else: break else: # to get the bottom of the table stops.append(ldx) # the first entry is actually the very beginning of the table stops = stops[1:] # put everything together dfs = [] for start, stop, irrep in zip(starts, stops, irreps): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, cols[key]) df['irrep'] = irrep.strip() dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) df['vector'] -= 1 if 'spin' in cols[key]: df['spin'] ={'A': 0, 'B': 1}) df.sort_values(by=['spin', 'energy'], inplace=True) else: df.sort_values(by='energy', inplace=True) df['spin'] = 0 df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df['frame'] = df['group'] = 0 self.orbital = df
[docs] def parse_contribution(self): _re_con_00 = ('E(eV) Occ MO % ' 'SFO (first member) E(eV) Occ Fragment') # MO contribution by percentage found = self.find(_re_con_00, keys_only=True) starts = [i + 3 for i in found] widths = [12, 6, 6, 6, 11, 6, 10, 12, 6, 6, 3] names = ['eV', 'occupation', 'vector', 'sym', '%', 'SFO', 'angmom', 'eV(sfo)', 'occ(sfo)', 'atom', 'symbol'] dfs = [] # Prints for both spins for i, start in enumerate(starts): stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 dfs.append(pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join(self[start:stop])), delim_whitespace=True, widths=widths, names=names)) dfs[-1]['spin'] = i dfs = pd.concat(dfs).reset_index(drop=True) dfs = dfs.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if (isinstance(x, six.string_types) and x.isspace()) else x) dfs.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) # Clean up dfs['symbol'] = dfs['symbol'].str.strip() dfs['angmom'] = dfs['angmom'].str.strip() dfs['angmom'].update(dfs['angmom'].map({'S': 'S:'})) dfs[['L', 'ml']] = dfs['angmom'].str.extract('(.*):(.*)', expand=True) dfs['%'] = dfs['%'].str.replace('%', '') dfs['%'].update(dfs['%'].map({" ******": np.inf})) dfs['%'] = dfs['%'].astype(np.float64) dfs['occupation'] = dfs['occupation'].astype(np.float64) dfs['vector'] = dfs['vector'].astype(np.int64) - 1 dfs['eV'] = dfs['eV'].astype(np.float64) dfs['atom'] -= 1 self.contribution = dfs
[docs] def parse_excitation(self): _reexc = "no. E/a.u. E/eV f" found = self.find(_reexc, keys_only=True) if not found: return # there should only be one in the entire output start = found[0] + 2 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=6) df.columns = ['excitation', 'energy', 'energy_ev', 'osc', 'tau', 'symmetry'] nan = np.where(df.isna().values)[0] df.loc[nan, 'symmetry'] = df.loc[nan, 'tau'].copy() df.loc[nan, 'tau'] = 0.0 df['tau'] = df['tau'].astype(float) df['excitation'] = [int(x[:-1]) for x in df['excitation'].values] df.index = df['excitation'] - 1 df.drop('excitation', axis=1, inplace=True) df['frame'] = 0 df['group'] = 0 self.excitation = df
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self): _re_mo_00 = 'Eigenvectors .* in BAS representation' _re_mo_01 = 'row ' _re_mo_02 = 'nosym' found = self.regex(_re_mo_00, _re_mo_01, _re_mo_02, flags=re.IGNORECASE, keys_only=True) if not found[_re_mo_00] or not found[_re_mo_01]: return if found[_re_mo_02]: thresh = found[_re_mo_00][0] rowmajor = 'rows' in self[thresh] starts = np.array([i for i in found[_re_mo_01] if i > thresh]) + 1 nchi = starts[1] - starts[0] - 3 ncol = len(self[starts[0] + 1].split()) - 1 if len(starts) % 2: os = False else: anchor = starts[len(starts)//2 - 1] + nchi sail = starts[len(starts)//2] os = True if self.find('SPIN 2', start=anchor, stop=sail) else False blocks = [starts] if not os else [starts[:len(starts)//2], starts[len(starts)//2:]] data = pd.DataFrame() for i, block in enumerate(blocks): stop = block[-1] + nchi skips = [k + j for k in list(block[1:] - block[0] - 3) for j in range(3)] name = 'coef' if not i else 'coef{}'.format(i) col = self.pandas_dataframe(block[0], stop, ncol + 1, skiprows=skips).drop(0, axis=1, ).unstack().dropna().reset_index(drop=True) data[name] = col norb = len(data.index) // nchi data['orbital'] = np.concatenate([np.repeat(range(i, norb, ncol), nchi) for i in range(ncol)]) data['chi'] = np.tile(range(nchi), norb) data['frame'] = 0 if rowmajor: data.rename(columns={'orbital': 'chi', 'chi': 'orbital'}, inplace=True) data.sort_values(by=['orbital', 'chi'], inplace=True) self.momatrix = data else: print('Symmetrized calcs not supported yet.')
[docs] def parse_sphr_momatrix(self, verbose=False): """ Parser localized momatrix (if present). If the ``locorb`` keyword is used in ADF, an additional momatrix is printed after localization is performed. Parsing this table allows for visualization of these orbitals. Note: The attr :attr:`~exatomic.adf.output._re_loc_mo` is used for parsing this section. """ _re_loc_mo = ("Localized MOs expanded in CFs+SFOs", "SFO contributions (%) per Localized Orbital") found = self.find(*_re_loc_mo) if len(found[_re_loc_mo[0]]) == 0: if verbose: print("No localization performed.") return # Nothing to parse start = found[_re_loc_mo[0]][0][0] + 8 stop = found[_re_loc_mo[1]][0][0] - 4 # Parse the localized momatrix as a whole block of text df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO("\n".join(self[start:stop])), widths=(16, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9), header=None) del df[0] # Identify the eigenvectors and (un)stack them correctly n = df[df[1].isnull()].index[0] # number of basis functions m = np.ceil(df.shape[0]/n).astype(int) # number of printed blocks of text # idx - indexes of "lines" (rows) that don't contain coefficients idx = [(n+5)*j + i - 5 for j in range(1, m) for i in range(0, 5)] df = df[~df.index.isin(idx)] coefs = [] for i in range(0, df.shape[0]//n+1): d = df.iloc[n*(i-1):n*i, :] coefs.append(d.unstack().dropna().values.astype(float)) coefs = np.concatenate(coefs) m = coefs.shape[0]//n # Number of localized MOs momatrix = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'coef': coefs, 'orbital': [i for i in range(m) for _ in range(n)], 'chi': [j for _ in range(m) for j in range(n)]}) momatrix['frame'] = self.atom['frame'].unique()[-1] self.sphr_momatrix = momatrix
[docs] def parse_gradient(self): _regrad = "Energy gradients wrt nuclear displacements" found = self.find(_regrad, keys_only=True) if not found: return starts = np.array(found) + 6 stop = starts[0] while '----' not in self[stop]: stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) dfs = [] for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['atom', 'symbol', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz'] df['frame'] = i df['atom'] -= 1 dfs.append(df) grad = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) grad['Z'] = grad['symbol'].map(sym2z) grad = grad[['atom', 'Z', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'symbol', 'frame']] for u in ['fx', 'fy', 'fz']: grad[u] *= 1./Length['Angstrom', 'au'] self.gradient = grad
[docs] def parse_frequency(self): _renorm = "Vibrations and Normal Modes" _refreq = "List of All Frequencies:" found = self.find(_refreq, keys_only=True) if not found: return elif len(found) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("We cannot parse more than one frequency calculation in a single output") found = self.find(_refreq, _renorm, keys_only=True) start = found[_refreq][0] + 9 stop = start while self[stop]: stop += 1 df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=3) freqs = df[0].values n = int(np.ceil(freqs.shape[0]/3)) start = found[_renorm][0] + 9 stop = start while self[stop]: stop += 1 natoms = stop - start dfs = [] fdx = 0 for i in range(n): if i == 0: start = found[_renorm][0] + 9 else: start = stop + 4 stop = start + natoms freqs = list(map(float, self[start-2].split())) ncol = len(freqs) df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=1+3*ncol) tmp = list(map(lambda x: x.split('.'), df[0])) index, symbol = list(map(list, zip(*tmp))) slices = [list(range(1+i, 1+3*ncol, 3)) for i in range(ncol)] dx, dy, dz = [df[i].unstack().values for i in slices] freqdx = np.repeat(list(range(fdx, ncol+fdx)), natoms) zs = pd.Series(symbol).map(sym2z) freqs = np.repeat(freqs, natoms) stacked = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Z': np.tile(zs, ncol), 'label': np.tile(index, ncol), 'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'dz': dz, 'frequency': freqs, 'freqdx': freqdx}) stacked['ir_int'] = 0.0 stacked['symbol'] = np.tile(symbol, ncol) dfs.append(stacked) fdx += ncol frequency = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) frequency['frame'] = 0 # TODO: check units of the normal modes self.frequency = frequency
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ADF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class AMS(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): """The ADF output parser for versions newer than 2019"""
[docs] def parse_atom(self): # TODO: current implementation is only for the AMS driver _re_atom_00 = 'Atoms' found = self.find(_re_atom_00, keys_only=True) if not found: raise ValueError("Could not find atomic positions.") if len(found) == 2: starts = np.array(found)[:-1] + 2 else: starts = np.array(found)[:-2] + 2 stop = starts[0] while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) dfs = [] for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['set', 'symbol', 'x', 'y', 'z'] df[['x', 'y', 'z']] *= [Length['Angstrom', 'au']]*3 df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frame'] = idx df['set'] -= 1 dfs.append(df) atom = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.atom = atom
[docs] def parse_frequency(self): _refreq = "Frequency (cm-1)" found = self.find(_refreq, keys_only=True) found = found[1:] if not found: return starts = np.array(found) + 2 stop = starts[0] while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) natoms = stop - starts[0] if not hasattr(self, 'atom'): self.parse_atom() if natoms != self.atom.last_frame.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Issue with determining the number of atoms.") arr = zip(found, zip(starts, stops)) dfs = [] for idx, (ldx, (start, stop)) in enumerate(arr): line = self[ldx] d = line.split() df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['label', 'symbol', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz'] df['label'] -= 1 df['frequency'] = d[4] df['ir_int'] = d[7] df['freqdx'] = idx df['frame'] = 0 dfs.append(df) freq = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.frequency = freq
[docs] def parse_gradient(self): # TODO: check if the first search string is used in all # ams driver engines _regrad = "Energy gradients wrt nuclear displacements" # other gradient matrix search string _regradfinal = "Gradients (hartree/bohr)" found = self.find(_regrad, _regradfinal, keys_only=True) if not found[_regrad]: return if not hasattr(self, 'atom'): self.parse_atom() dfs = [] if self.atom.nframes > 1: starts = np.array(found[_regrad])[:-2] + 6 stop = starts[0] while '---' not in self[stop]: stop += 1 stops = starts + (stop - starts[0]) for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(starts, stops)): df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['atom', 'symbol', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz'] df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frame'] = idx df[['fx', 'fy', 'fz']] /= [Length['Angstrom', 'au']]*3 df['atom'] -= 1 dfs.append(df) frame = dfs[-1]['frame'][0] else: frame = -1 # get the last gradient matrix as it has more sig figs start = found[_regradfinal][0] + 2 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.columns = ['atom', 'symbol', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz'] df['Z'] = df['symbol'].map(sym2z) df['frame'] = frame + 1 df['atom'] -= 1 dfs.append(df) grad = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) self.gradient = grad
[docs] def parse_excitation(self): # the output has not changed from the last few iterations # of ADF ADF.parse_excitation(self)
[docs] def parse_electric_dipole(self): _reexc = "Excitation energies E in a.u. and eV, dE wrt prev. cycle" _retrans = "(weak excitations are not printed)" _revel = "(using dipole velocity formula for mu)" found = self.find(_reexc, _retrans, _revel, keys_only=True) if not found[_reexc]: return velocity = True if found[_revel] else False # grab the information in the main table # important for determining which excitations are # printed later on start = found[_reexc][0] + 5 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=5) df.drop(4, axis=1, inplace=True) df.columns = ['excitation', 'energy_au', 'energy_ev', 'osc'] df['excitation'] -= 1 # grab the information with the transition dipole moments start = found[_retrans][0] + 4 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 nrows = stop - start tdm = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=10) tdm.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True) if tdm.shape[1] == 9: # TODO: should we get the magnitude here instead? tdm.columns = ['excitation', 'energy_ev', 'osc', 'remu_x' ,'remu_y', 'remu_z', 'immu_x', 'immu_y', 'immu_z'] else: tdm.columns = ['excitation', 'energy_ev', 'osc', 'mu_x' ,'mu_y', 'mu_z'] tdm['excitation'] -= 1 diff = np.setdiff1d(df['excitation'].values.flatten(), tdm['excitation'].values.flatten()) if len(diff) > 0: for d in diff: df1 = tdm.loc[range(d)] df2 = tdm.loc[range(d, tdm.shape[0])] new_line = [d, df.loc[d, 'energy_ev'], df.loc[d, 'osc']]+[0.0]*int(len(tdm.columns)-3) new_line = pd.DataFrame([new_line], columns=tdm.columns) new_df = pd.concat([df1, new_line, df2], ignore_index=True) tdm = new_df.copy() self.electric_dipole = tdm
[docs] def parse_magnetic_dipole(self): _retrans = "magnetic transition dipole vectors m in a.u." _revel = "(using dipole velocity formula for mu)" found = self.find(_retrans, _revel, keys_only=True) if not found[_retrans]: return velocity = True if found[_revel] else False # grab the information with the transition dipole moments start = found[_retrans][0] + 4 stop = start while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1 tdm = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, ncol=10) tdm.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True) if tdm.shape[1] == 8: spinorbit=True tdm.columns = ['excitation', 'rot', 'rem_x' ,'rem_y', 'rem_z', 'imm_x', 'imm_y', 'imm_z'] else: tdm.columns = ['excitation', 'energy_ev', 'osc', 'mu_x' ,'mu_y', 'mu_z'] spinorbit=False tdm['excitation'] -= 1 self.magnetic_dipole = tdm
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AMS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Output(six.with_metaclass(OutMeta, Editor)): def _parse_data(self, attr, **kwargs): try: parser = getattr(self.meta['module'], attr) except AttributeError as e: if str(e).endswith("'"+attr+"'"): return parser(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_atom(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_atom', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_basis_set(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_basis_set', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_basis_set_order(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_basis_set_order', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_orbital(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_orbital', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_contribution(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_contribution', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_excitation(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_excitation', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_momatrix(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_momatrix', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_sphr_momatrix(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_sphr_momatrix', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_gradient(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_gradient', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_frequency(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_frequency', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_nmr_shielding(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_nmr_shielding', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_j_coupling(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_j_coupling', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_electric_dipole(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_electric_dipole', **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_magnetic_dipole(self, **kwargs): self._parse_data('parse_magnetic_dipole', **kwargs)
def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwargs): ed = _Editor(file) _readf = "A D F" _renmr = "N M R" _reams = "A M S" found = ed.find(_readf, _renmr, _reams, keys_only=True) super(Output, self).__init__(file, *args, **kwargs) if found[_renmr]: self.meta.update({'module': NMR}) elif found[_readf]: self.meta.update({'module': ADF}) elif found[_reams]: self.meta.update({'module': AMS}) else: raise ValueError("Could not identify program from SCM")